Therapeutics Additives part 2 Flashcards
Application of cold or ice is also known as:
What are the indications of cold full bath?
Lethargic patient
Sluggish metabolism
Edema and swelling
Maximize athlete’s volume and intensity of training by decreasing recovery time
What are the contraindications of cold full bath?
raynaulds disease
circulatory insufficiency
sensory changes
cold sensitivity
Client that feels debility and chilled
What is the temperature of water for neutral full bath?
34.4°C to 36 °C.
_________ is utilized most commonly with therapeutic additives allowing maximum exposure time to the substance.
neutral bath
Neutral full bath: True or False.
Because there is no thermic impression on the body, very prolonged durations can be withstood. Buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure and chemical effects predominate, resulting in a sedative effect on the body.
In Hot Full Bath, what are the additives that can be used?
additives may be used especially salts or Epson salt
What is the temperature of water for Hot full bath?
38°C – 40°C
What is the duration for Hot full bath?
Prolonged ( 3-10 minutes )
What are the indications for Hot full bath?
relaxation analgesic for sore muscles
This bath starts in the neutral temperature range (usually 35°C) and hot water is added in three-minute intervals. Increasing the temperature 1°C at each interval to a final temperature of 40°C, this bath duration is usually 15 to 20 minutes.
Increasing Temperature Bath
What is are the uses of Increasing Temperature Bath?
The increasing temperature bath is usually used to induce an artificial fever in the early stages of colds or influenza.
__________ - is a friction-type application that does not rely upon thermal impression. Its response results from the highly mechanical nature of the wet salt rubbed on the skin.
Salt Glow
Salt glow is best performed on __________ body. This prepares the skin by softening the dead cells of the epidermis.
True or False:
In Salt Glow, If no tile room is available, protect your work area with sheets or plastic.
How many cup of salt is used in dong the Salt Glow?
½ cup of salt
Use of Salt Glow. True or False:
Neutral temperature of water is typically used, but cold water can be used to make the treatment more stimulating. Ordinary table salt is best for the novice, but seasoned veterans can withstand course salts (sea salt or Epsom salt)
When doing Salt glow , What is the position of the client?
Start prone then supine
What massage technique used in application of salt paste ?
Massage the area with light movements.
Continue with deeper kneading movements
Wringing and friction movements
When patient is on prone position. What is the areas in applying salt paste?
plantar surface of the foot to the buttocks.
Before turning the patient to a supine position, It is recommended to remove excess salt by:
spraying the area with neutral or cool water
When patient is on supine position. What is the areas in applying salt paste?
anterior leg/thigh
abdomen and chest can be done with the patient’s consent
What is the reason why we need cover the face of the client with a towel when doing Salt Glow on a supine position?
protect the eyes from salt
Salt Glow: True or False.
Due to thinner epidermis and sensitivity in this area, adjust pressure and duration to suit the patient. A general shower will remove remaining salt.
What is the duration for Salt Glow?
20 to 25 minutes. The treatment has stimulating effects so therefore, will work rather quickly.
What are the precautions in doing Salt Glow?
Freshly shaven skin may be sensitive and salt should be washed off immediately if irritation occurs
People who have a fair complexion typically have more sensitive skin.
Adjust pressure and duration to meet the patient’s needs Sensitive areas
What are considered the sensitive areas?
Popliteal (behind the knee)
cubital fossae (hollow at elbow)
adductor regions
bony protuberances
What are the indications for Salt Glow?
Fatigue or depression
Unhealthy dry epidermis
effective counter-irritant
useful in chronic muscular/skeletal conditions. In some cases,preparation of skin for poultice applications,
The following are contraindications of Salt Glow. Except:
- Suffering from a headache at the time of treatment
- Close skin lesions
- Infectious or contagious diseases
- Active eczema and Psoriasis
- Frail skin (“onion-skin” commonly found in the elderly)
Except: 2
Open skin lesions not close
This is a cold water application with exfoliating properties. Can be applied with Turkish towel, loofah sponge or friction mitts dipped in water that progresses from cool to colder temperatures.
Cold Mitten Friction
What are the effects of cold mitten friction?
Immunologic enhancement
Increases skin tone
What are the indications for cold mitten friction?
Maintain skin health and tone
Fever reduction
Increase circulation
to increase circulation and help restore skin tone
What are the contraindications for cold mitten friction?
Open skin lesions
Any local or general cold Contraindications
Active eczema
Frail skin
What are the local contraindications for cold mitten friction?
cubital fossa
popliteal fossa
bony protuberances
skin lesions
What is the temperature for cold mitten friction?
15-20 degrees Celsius, For consecutive treatments lower temperature a few degrees at a time until you are working between 5-10 degrees Celsius
__________- are dependent on temperature and vigor of frictions and should be adapted according to client’s needs and desired outcomes.
stimulating effects