Therapeutic GYN/Urology Flashcards
In which indications and in what dosage do you prescribe Folliculinum? Give an example
In a hyper-estrogenic premenstrual syndrome in 15 C
What are the main medicines of hyper-estrogenic premenstrual syndrome? Justify your choices
- Folliculinum
- Cimicifuga
- Natrum muriaticum
- Lac caninum
- Lachesis
What are the main medicines of hypo-estrogenic premenstrual syndrome? Justify your choices
- Pulsatilla
- Lac caninum
- Sepia
Give 3 medicines of dysmenorrhea with abundant discharge indicating on what symptoms they are prescribed
- Sabina: red blood, periods early, abundant, pains in pubic area and thighs
- Secale cornutum: delivery type pains, blackish blood
- Veratrum album: cramping pains, syncope
- Trillium pendulum: short cycle, pains in the bones of the pelvis, tendency towards syncope
- Murex: with genital hypersensitivity
Give 3 medicines of dysmenorrhea with scant periods indicating on what symptoms they are prescribed
- Colocynthis and Magnesia phosphorica: cramping pains, improved bending double
- Dioscorea: cramping pains improved in extension
- Caulophyllum: delivery pains
- Cimicifuga: pain proportional to the flow
Give 3 medicines of dysmenorrhea with behavioral disturbances indicating on what symptoms they are prescribed
- Chamomilla: intolerance to pain
- Ignatia: hyperesthesia, mood swings
- Moschus: tendency to faint, sexual excitement
- Cyclamen: sad woman, ophthalmic migraines
- Nux vomica: bad temper, spasmodic pains
- Cimicifuga: agitation and hypersensitivity alternating with the spasms
Give 3 symptomatic medicines for genital herpes indicating on what symptoms they are indicated
- Croton: burning pruritis, small confluent vesicles
- Borax: opalescent vesicles grouped in bouquet
- Mezereum: evolution towards crusts
- Rhus toxicodendron: small burning vesicle improved by warm applications
Give 3 medicines of genital pruritis of nervous origin indicating on what symptoms they are prescribed
- Staphysagria: erratic pruritis occurring after emotions, vexations, frustrations…
- Ignatia: after effects of worries, emotions, improved by distraction
- Coffea: pruritis at night with local hyperesthesia
- Ambra grisea: pruritis in a very shy and emotional woman
Give 3 medicines of constructive genital dermatosis (warts, condylomas) indicating on what symptoms they are indicated
- Nitricum acidum: condyloma, wart, bleeding easily and sharp pain
- Cinnabaris: condyloma, seborrheic warts
- Sabina: condyloma bleeding easily and pruritis
- Staphysagria: cauliflower warts, pruritis
- Medorrhinum, Thuya: Sycotic reactional mode
Give 3 symptomatic medicines for leucorrhea indicating on what symptoms they are indicated
- Kreosotum: yellow, fetid, irritating and acid leucorrhea
- Hydrastis: yellow, thick, viscous and stringy leucorrhea
- Helonias: abundant and white leucorrhea (fungus)
- Arsenicum album: scant, burning and corrosive leucorrhea
- Mercurius corrosivus: yellow-green leucorrhea with bladder tenesmus
- Sepia: yellow-green irritating leucorrhea
- Pulsatilla: non-irritating leucorrhea like milk
Give 4 medicines of benign mastopathy indicating on what symptoms they are indicated
- Phytolacca: hard and painful nodosities, long periods
- Conium: the breast are small and withered with hard nodosities, short periods
- Calcarea carbonica: breast hypertrophy, tendency towards adenomas
- Calcarea fluorica: woody fibromas in prolapsed breasts
- Iodum: soft atrophied breasts with indurated nodule
- Folliculinum: PMS
- Bryonia: inflammation improved by immobility and compression
Give 4 medicines of hot flashes indicating on what symptoms they are indicated
- Belladonna: sweating of the face, head congestion
- Glonoïnum: hot flashes with cardiac erethism
- Sanguinaria: redness of the cheeks, cheekbone and ears, burning sensation
- Amylium nitrosum: hot flashes followed by a sensation of coldness
- Lachesis: congestion and hot flashes without sweat
- Sepia: hot flashes without vasomotor manifestations
- Sulfur: thermophobia
Give 3 medicines of cystitis indicating on what symptoms they are prescribed
- Cantharis: violent pains before, during and after micturition
- Mercurius corrosivus: extremely painful tenesmus, bloody urines
- Arsenicum album: burning, great asthenia
- Staphysagria: with clear urines, improved when urinating, emotional context
- Hepar sulfur: acute inflammation going towards suppuration