Therapeutic factors Flashcards
Observing the progress of others in the group with similar problems, a group member garners hope that his or her problems can also be resolved
Instillation of hope
Individuals come to realize that they are not alone in the problems, thoughts, and feelings they are experiencing.
Knowledge is gained through formal instructions as well as the sharing of advice and suggestions among group members.
Imparting of information
mutual sharing and concern for each other
group members are able to reexperience early family conflicts that remain unresolved. Attempts at resolution are promoted throat feedback and exploration.
Corrective recapitulation of the primary family group.
Through interactive with feedback from other members of the group, individuals are able to correct maladaptive social behaviors and learn new social skills
development of socializing techniques
setting where members who have mastered particular psychosocial skills or developmental tasks can be valuable role models for others.
Imitative behavior
Group offers many and varied opportunities for interactive with other people
interpersonal learning
Members develop a sense of belonging that separates the individuals from the group.
group cohesiveness.