Therapeutic exercise Flashcards
what are the aims of exercise
improve: strength, ROM, length power (force and speed), endurance- improve fatigue, graded exposure- reduces fear avoidance and analgesic
what are muscle fibres linked too
linked to exercises needed for treatment, use functional exercises during rehabilitation for patients, faster movement=fast twitch=fast contraction (high rate low rep), slow twitch= longer endurance, fatigue resistance= higher reps lower resistance, changes muscle ability to store glycogen- more fatigue resistance
what does strength depend on
type of contraction- isotonic and isometric? shortening or lengthening? muscle strength training, angle of pull- impact of nerve firing and if person is concentrating (improve neural output), muscle length, age and fitness and muscle size- amount of exercise given, lever arm length- longer=improve movement capacity, CT- how stressful sis transferred, genetic factors- DOMS,
principles of training- overload and specificity
overload- overload in strength/ endurance training, 70% of max strength
specificity- specificity for a function, for strength or endurance, for range
principles of training- motivation and learning
motivation- make sure patient understands why they are doing the exercise, what it will do, the time it will take and what the other options are- don’t overload
learning- can take time to understand, changes will be lost if it is not maintained
principles of training- other
reversibility, diminishing returns- more you do=more returns, age and gender
overload principle- stage 1 and 2
1- initial rapid increase in strength demon- started by increasing ability to lift a known training load, stage 2- plauteuing of improvement with same known training load
overload principle- stage 3 and 4
3- endurance increases only, with no further increase in strength if load is not progressed,
4- training load must be increased for further increase in strength
effects of strength training
motor learning 6-8 weeks= performance improves and strength is consent, increase in muscle strength without increase in muscle size- 10-12 weeks
true hypertrophy- 12 weeks- slow stead increase in muscle size/length, hypertrophy or hyperplasia
factors to consider for strength training programme
number of sets, choice of exercise, resistance used, rest periods, order of exercise, external load- weights and Thera bands, amount of time in-between sets, order of exercise
loading tissue, stimulates cellular responses, tissue adapts, tissue improves structure, tissue able to maintain homeostasis=less pain
exercise continuum
0-1=passive movement, 1-2= active-assisted exercise, 3-4 active exercise, 4-5- resisted exercise
mechanic-assited exercise
shoulder flexion and LR with stick, should flex or abd with reciprocal pulley, ankle PF or DF and hip/ knee flex with stationary bike, hip and knee flexion with reciprocal pulleys, hip and knee flex using gym ball, shoulder flex or abd with wall climbing,
effects of active exercise
muscle gain strength, repetition of pattern facilitates neuromuscular pathway, increase patient confidence, increase joint ROM
limitations of active exercise
for strong muscles- doesn’t maintain or increase strength, doesn’t develop skill or coordination except in movement patterns used
must be appropriate for the test- e.g. size and weight of material, used to achieve a particular objective or function, what is the value and limitation of the equipment, small equipment- balls/ hoops/ bands, large equipment- medicine ball, weights, hydrotherapy
After exercise
HEP, monitor and correction, reassess, evaluate, progress,
recording of exercise
muscle/ muscle group, type of contraction, starting position, joint and ROM, assistance/ resistance and equipment used, no of reps and sets, speed, aim (power, strength, endurance)