Theory Of Rotary Wing Flight Flashcards
Newton’s Laws of Motion(which law is involved)
Torque Effect
Newton’s Laws of Motion(which law is involved)
More power is needed to obtain a desired RPM than is needed to maintain the RPM
Newton’s Laws of Motion(which law is involved)
Greater load, less acceleration
If the airflow atop the airfoil increases, static pressure will
If the airflow atop the airfoil increases, dynamic pressure will
Center of Pressure
The point along the chord line of an airfoil through which all aerodynamic forces are considered to act
Any surface designed to produce lift when air is passed over it
Basic types of airfoils
Unsymmetrical or Nonsymmetrical
Airfoil terms
Chord Upper camber Lower camber Span Trailing edge Leading edge
Straight line from the leading edge to the trailing edge
Upper camber
Upper curvature
Lower camber
Lower shape
The length of the rotor blade from the point of rotation to the tip of the blade
Trailing edge
Tapered edge
Leading edge
Rounded edge
Rotational relative wind (as applied to an airfoil)
That flow of air parallel and path of an opposite to the flight path of an airfoil
Induced flow
Downward flow of air through the rotor blades
Resultant relative wind
Rotational relative wind modified by induced flow
How is the angle of incidence measured in a rotary-wing aircraft?
The angle between the chord of an airfoil and the plane of rotation (tip path plane)
Angle of attack
The angle between the chord of an airfoil and the resultant relative wind
Which flight control changes the angle of incidence differentially around the rotor system?
Cyclic pitch control
With an increase in the speed of air over a surface, what happens to dynamic and static pressure?
Dynamic pressure increases, static pressure decreases
Components of total aerodynamic force
Lift and drag
Describe the relationship of lift to resultant relative wind
Relationship between drag and resultant relative wind
Drag is parallel to and in the same direction of the resultant relative wind
Rotor-tip vortices
Lift and total aerodynamic force tilting rearward on the airfoil
Skin friction on the fuselage
Skin friction on the airfoiil
Non-streamlined fuselage
Which type of drag decreases with an increase in airspeed?
Which type of drag increases with an increase in airspeed?
Dissymmetry of lift
Differential (unequal) lift between advancing and retreating halves of the rotor disk
Relative wind velocity on the advancing blade equals blade speed…
plus airspeed
Relative wind velocity on the retreating blade equals blade speed…
minus airspeed
What causes the advancing blade to flap up
An increase in lift
What causes the retreating blade to flap down
A decrease in lift
How does the helicopter compensate for dissymmetry of lift?
How does the pilot control dissymetry of lift?
cyclic feathering
Change in the attitude of the rotor system
How does the pilot correct for blowback?
cyclic feathering
Which forces in the lift equation can the pilot control?
Coefficient of lift and airspeed
What are the three factors in air density (1/2 rho) that will affect lift?
pressure, temperature, and humidity
A semi-rigid disk tilts relative to the
An articulated disk tilts relative to the
Centrifugal force
Outward force produced whenever a body moves in a curved path
Rotor blade coning
Upward flexing of the rotor blades
Rotor blade coning is a compromise between which two forces
lift and centrifugal force
gyroscopic precession
When a force is applied to a rotating body, it will manifest 90 degrees after application in the direction of rotation.
Why is blade twisting necessary?
to distribute the lifting force more evenly along the blade
A pedal turn to the right requires ____(more/less) power than a pedal turn to the left
Translating tendency
Tendency of a single rotor helicopter to drift right while hovering
List four methods used to overcome translating tendency in single rotor helicopters
rigging the cyclic
tilting the mast
left cyclic
List the four rotor blade actions
Describe the relationship of total force to the tip path plane
When the rotor disk is tilted, what are the two components of total force
Lift and thrust
What are the two flight conditions
Balanced and unbalanced
At what altitude would the aircraft be in ground effects
One rotor disc diameter measured from the rotor disc to the surface
Loss, or apparent loss, of ground effect is caused by?
a. An altitude greater than one rotor diameter
b. Trees and bushes
c. Tail grass and uneven terrain
d. Hovering over water
e. Beginning of translational movement
f. Hovering into a wind
Translational lift
When the rotor completely outruns the recirculation of old vortices and begins to work in relatively undisturbed air
Effective translational lift occurs at an airspeed of
Approximately 16-24 KTS
Transverse flow effect is noticeable at an airspeed
10-20 KT
Settling with power
A condition of powered flight in which the helicopter settles in its own downwash
List three simultaneous conditions required for settling with power
Vertical or near vertical descent of at least 300 FPM
20% to 100% engine power
Slow airspeed less than ETL
List the required recovery procedures for settling with power
Increase airspeed with cyclic
Reduce collective as altitude permits
Adjust rotor RPM to normal operating range
The flight condition during which no engine power is supplied and the main rotor is driven only by the action of the relative wind
Describe how a pilot prevents a rotor RPM over speed during an autorotation with turn
The pilot must prevent rotor RPM over speed with collective control
List the three conditions required for dynamic rollover to occur
Pivot point
Rolling motion
Exceed critical angle
Dynamic rollover occurs due to a combination of which two factors?
Physical and human
Which control input is required to recover from dynamic rollover on level ground?
Smooth, moderate collective reduction
Operating at what speed is most likely to produce retreating blade stall
High forward speed
Describe the symptoms of retreating blade stall in a single rotor helicopter
Abnormal vibration, pitch-up of the nose, and left roll
Describe the recovery procedure from retreating blade stall
Reduce collective pitch, regain control of the aircraft, reduce airspeed, increase rotor RPM to normal operation range, minimizing maneuvering, and descend to a lower altitude