Theory Flashcards Paper 2
What is a bit?
A single 1 or 0
What is a byte?
8 bits
How many bytes are in a kilobyte?
How many kilobytes in a megabyte?
Finish the sequence bytes, kilobytes……
Megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte,
What is a pixel?
The smallest element of an image – dots that make up an image on a screen
How many bits does ASCII use?
7 or 8 bits (either is right)
How many bits does Unicode use?
16 or 32 bits (either is right)
What do we call the list of characters a computer can represent
Character set
Give an example of metadata stored with an image
Height, Width, Resolution, Colour depth, date it was produced
What is a method of describing a program using proper English rather than a programming language
What is the connection between sample rate, quality of sound and file size?
The higher the sample rate, the better quality of file, the larger the file size
What two parts is an instruction split into?
The operator (instruction part) and the operand (the data part)
Assembly language is also known as…
A low level language
In what language do mnemonics make an appearance?
Assembly language
What language do machines understand?
Binary/Machine language
State two features of an IDE
Source code editor/error diagnostics and debugger/run-time environment/translator
A sequence is when…
Instructions are executed one after the other
Selection is when…
The path through the program is decided by looking at a condition (IF statement)
Iteration is when…
The programs repeats commands until a critieria has been met (Loop)
What is the difference between a FOR loop and a WHILE loop
With a FOR loop we know how many times the loop will run before the code is run, with a WHILE loop the user can choose to stop the loop or keep repeating
What is the difference between a variable and a constant?
A variables value can change in the program, a constant cannot change
Define an Array
A set of variables with the same name (identifier)
What is a variable?
An identifier that points to a place in memory