Theory and Methods- Perspectives (Feminism) (7) Flashcards
What does Feminism mean?
-advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.
What is sociological feminism?
-society based on the exploitation of women by men (patriarchy) .
What are the four basic tenants of sociological feminism?
- Inequality: between men + women.
- Conflict: between men + women.
- Gender Inequality: are socially constructed.
- importance of Patriarchy in explaining inequality.
What are the 6 structures of patriarchy?
- Paid work
- Household work
- Culture
- Sexuality
- Violence
- The State (the gov.)
What is liberal feminism?
- idea that all humans should have equality, rights + freedom.
- women should have the same rights as men.
- reforminism: equality achieved by gradual reforms + changes to laws, attitudes + policy.
Work place (CLAP):
- challenge institutional sexism.
-challenge “glass ceiling”. (invisible barrier that prevents women from rising beyond a certain level)
Law (CLAP):
- equal act pay.
-anti-discrimination law. -> gender no longer important.
-better care for victims of sexual crime.
Social Policy (CLAP):
- more work to be done on paternity/maternity leave.
-nursery vouchers. (allows working parents the opportunity to sacrifice part of their pre-tax salary to pay for registered childcare.)
Education (CLAP):
- Expectations have changed but more work needs to be done.
i.e: women in science or engineering.
Family (CLAP):
- more women pursuing careers.
- more equal parts in household tasks + childcare.
Evaluation of liberal feminism: (FOR)
- shows gender ineq. and discrimination can be overcome w/o violence.
- gender diff. are socially constructed.
-has had an important influence on social policy.
Evaluation of liberal feminism: (AGAINST)
- ignores the need for revolutionary action.
-deals w/ symptoms of oppression not causes.
-overly optimistic. (confident/hopeful)
Who are the Key thinker for liberal feminism?
-Anne Oakley: distinguishes between sex + gender.
Sex: biological makeup
Gender: what you socially regard yourself to be.
-Sue Sharpe
What does radical feminism mean?
- extreme version of feminism.
- sees society as being completely dominated by men.
-sees interests of men + women being v. diff.
Radical Feminism:
- patriarchy -> universal
-women’s main enemy -> men
- asking for legal change is unlikely to bring equality.