Theory and Harmony (V1 S2) (V2 S1) Flashcards
Dynamic Translations
Forissimo - Very Strong
Forte - Strong
Mezzo Forte - Half Strong
Mezzo Piano - Half Soft
Piano - Soft
Pianissimo - Very Soft
What does “first” line and space refer to?
the ones at the bottom
Great Staff
Contains Treble, Alto, Bass Clef. A road map for C4
Treble (G clef)
Bass (F Clef)
Alto (C clef, middle line C)
Tenor (C clef, 4th line C)
Ritardando and Accelarando
Gradual decrease/increase in tempo
Reducing compound intervals
subtract multiples of 7 to get the simple interval.
ex. a major 9th is a major 2nd
a perfect 26th is a perfect 5th
Jazz Minor
Ascending version of Melodic Minor
Name all Perfect Intervals
4th, 5th, Octave, Unison
13th Quality Chord for each mode
Ionian - Maj 13
Dorian - Min13
Phrygian - min11(b9 b13)
Lydian - Maj13 (#11)
Mixolydian - 13
Aeolian - min11 (b13)
Locrian - min11 (b5, b9, b13)
Primary Triads (major and minor)
I, IV, V
Secondary Triads
ii, iii, vi, vii
Triad Groups (tonic not included!)
Group 1 - Dominant: V, viio, VII, Aug III (melodic minor)
Group 2 - Subdominant: IV, ii
Group 3 - Submediant: vi
Group 4 - Mediant: iii/III (NOT Aug III+)
Harmony moves from Group 4-1, moving in perfect intervals by root
When you skip a chord group in a progression (i.e. moving from iii to IV which skips group 3)
Neutral Tonic
When Tonic appears in the middle of a chord progression, prior to dominant-tonic movement
When chords move in the direction of 1-4, but usually followed by a normal progression afterwards
Open Voicing Harmony
More than an octave between Soprano and Tenor
Most common voice to double in a root position
Types of Relative Motion in Voice Leading
Contrary - voices move in opposite directions
Oblique - one voice stays the same
Similar - voices move in the same direction but not the same amount of steps
Parallel - same amount of steps in one direction. Doesn’t have to be all voices
Why are Parallel 5ths and Octaves bad?
the motion detracts from the melody
Altered Dominant
at minimum, altered 9 and 5. Can include multiple variations
V or V7 resolving to I, both in root position. Soprano resolves leading tone. MUST meet ALL of these requirements
Can be viio instead, one chord may not be in root position, and tonic is not in soprano voice
Resolving to V preceded by any other chord
Deceptive Cadence
Sets up authentic cadence with strong approach from V, be cautious of voicing rules if ending with the vi chord. Only extend music a few more measures before eventually moving to tonic.
PC and PHC
Plagal comes after a PAC at the end, IV-I. PHC is I-IV, usually not at the end.
What is “T” when analyzing music
Tension notes. 7 and 6 usually don’t count, unless it’s a passing note in a melody
Swiss Augmented 6th chord
same as german, but spelled with a raised supertonic instead of a lowered mediant
Simple Modulation
Go to closely related key with a pivot chord that is diatonic to both