Theory Flashcards
Religious Ethics
notion that the religious dimension of reality is intimately bound up or flows from the divine aspect of reality.
Divine Command Theory
Notion that the cosmos was created by the divine and the divine created moral laws of the universe just as it created physical laws that govern reality.
Natural Law
Rationality is the governing feature of the cosmos. Morality is discoverable by means of observation and reflection
Claims that the right-making feature of our actions is not the act itself nor the motivation, only the outcomes of the action.
Epicurean Hedonism
advocates for a life that seeks to fulfill our natural and necessary desires, which will result in a life free of pain and stress of the mind and body.
Ethical Egoism
selfishness is the primary virtue. One should seek out one’s own long term well-being.
Hedonistic Utilitarianism
Seeks to maximize the most overall amount of pleasure in the world with each action.
modification of Bentham’s approach calaims that maximizing higher-order pleasures.
morality consists of our duties in life. These duties must be followed regardless our motivations, intended or unintended consequences, and so on.
Virtue Ethics
places a focus upon the character of the individual.
How are genomic libraries created?
There are multiple methods - the main one uses molecular cloning to amplify fragments of genomes for further study and addition to a collection (the genomic library).
Personal genomics is relatively __________.
new, as recent discoveries and genome mapping efforts have made genetic information more readily available.
What led to the commercialization of personal genomic products?
The increase in understanding of genetics and decrease in price of mapping a genome.
Why are personal genomics products potentially dangerous?
Results are limited and consumers may make incorrect medical decisions based on their results. Genetic discrimination may also occur.
What is genetic discrimination?
Discrimination against people by their employers, health care providers, insurance companies because of genetic indicators of health.