Theory Flashcards
What are Freudian defense mechanisms
Repression, denial, projection, regression, displacement, identification, intellectualization, sublimination, reaction formation.
Who is the theorist for interpersonal psychotherapy which focuses on client interactional patterns?
Hairy stack Sullivan.
Ego psychology is what?
The ego can develop maturity and autonomy in a healthy environment.
Who are ego Psychology theorists?
Hartman, Anna Freud, Jacobson, Mahler
Who is The Theorist for individuals Psychology?
What are some concepts of Alfred Adler’s individual psychology?
People strive for growth, healthy people have social interest and compassion, lifestyle is your personal narrative, inferiority and compensation to superiority complex.
The psychodynamic theory of self psychology is what theorist?
Self-psychology concepts are what?
Problems result from unmet needs, therapist’s empathy is more important than interpretation.
What theorist came up with the concepts of birth order?
Individuation occurs with age, archetypes, personality types, personal versus collective unconscious, culture and spirituality are important to development are all concepts of whose theory?
Jung; Jungian
Adler’s basic mistakes are what?
Overgeneralization, denial of self-worth, faulty values and misperception of life and life’s demands
Personality structure of self, persona, shadow, and anima and animus our personalities structures of what theory?
The archetypes of Jung are what?
Hero, child, mother earth, wise old man, demon, God and snake
Amplification, comparison of dreams to archetypes, folklore and art and active imagination, talk to characters in dreams are techniques of what theory?
Bandura, Skinner and Wolpe are known as
Behavioral theory concepts or what?
Observable events, insight is less important, reinforcement, extinction, three term contingency which is antecedent, behavioral, consequence
Behavioral techniques
Token economy, behavior rehearsal and role-playing, systematic desensitization, flooding and exposure hierarchy
This theorist came up with systematic desensitization
Joseph Wolpe
Relaxation training, discuss trauma, process reaction. Uses bilateral stimulation
Beck, Ellis and Meichenbaum are theorist known for what?
Cognitive theory
Core concepts of cognitive theory are
Automatic versus schematic thoughts, BECK. Cognitive distortions back and disputation ELLIS. Cognitive triad is believes about self, others and the world BECK
Cognitive techniques are
Socratic questioning, thought stopping, action and homework and directives, psycho education and stress inoculation training.
All or nothing thinking, overgeneralization, discounting positives, magnification, labeling, mind reading and fortunetelling are distortions of what theory?
What is Ellis’ ABC model?
Activating event-Beliefs-Consequences-Disputation of IB-Effective new beliefs and consequences
Glasser is The Theorist for what theory?
Reality theory
Concepts of reality theory are what?
We have control over behaviors, actions are sometimes incongruent with needs and goals.
WDEP (Wubbolding)
Wants Direction & Doing Evaluation Planning
Person centered, existential, reality, motivational interviewing and gestalt are what theories?
Frankl, May and Yalom are known for?
Yerkes Dodson Law (May) is?
Two little anxiety leads to apathy, too much anxiety leads to freezing.
Carl Rogers and Carkhuff are wet theorists?
Person centered.
Reflection of content, meaning, and feeling and demonstration of empathy and radical acceptance art techniques of what theory?
Person centered
Gestalt theorists are?
Fritz Perls and Laura Perls
Gestalt concepts are?
The mind and body work in synchrony, unfinished business equals dysfunction. Using avoiding questions and advice giving.
The here and now, psychodrama, empty chair, and I statements are techniques of what theory?
Theorists White and Epson are known for?
Narrative therapy
What is thin description? What is think description?
Thin-narrative imposed by others
Think-self interpretation
Narrative therapy techniques are?
Externalizing the problem, expert witnesses, therapeutic letters in to seek unique outcomes
Solution focused therapy core concepts are?
People possess solutions to their own problems, brief no more than 10 sessions.
Visitor, not ready to change and complaintant, nose problem but not ready to take action and customer, ready to take action our concepts of what theory?
Solution focused
Kim Berg and deShazer are theorists for?
Solution focused
The miracle question, exception question, and scaling questions and reflecting are techniques of what therapy?
Solution focused
Relational culture theory theorists are who?
Jean Baker-Miller and Judith Jordan
The person is political and gender roles and power dynamics are the cause of problems we face is a concept of what theory?
Techniques for relational cultural therapy are
Communication training, social action and consciousness raising. There is shared power between counselor and client.
Egalitarianism is what?
A belief in human equality, a philosophy advocating removal of any qualities
The systemic theory core concepts are
Circular causality, family rules, first and second order change and homeostasis
Bowen, Whittaker, Satir are
Are systemic theorists
Minuchin is the theorist for?
Jay haley is a _______ theorist.
Multimodal therapy theorist:
Behavior. Affect. Sensations. Imagery. Cognition. Interpersonal relationships. Drugs, biology, nutrition.
Transactional analysis is parent, adult, child ego states and the theorist is:
The four Horsemen of despair or criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling. Concepts of what theorist?
Gottman’s Method Couples Therapy
Systemic theory STRATEGIC theorist is:
Jay Haley
Concepts of strategic therapy are:
Paradoxial intention, directives and ordeal.
The Malon model concepts focus on
Circular questioning, hypothesizing, neutrality and ritual prescriptions
Minuchin theorized Structural therapy:
Problems caused by faulty organization there is hierarchy, complementary roles, sub systems and semi permeable boundaries. It assesses alignments, power and coalitions. Restructuring and and balancing and structural maps are concepts
Bowen’s theory concepts:
Differential versus enmeshment, multigenerational transmission process, genogram analysis, triangulation and emotional cut off
Family sculpting is a technique of what theory?
Classical conditioning is what theorists?
Pavlov, Wolpe
Operant conditioning is what theorists?
Skinner, Thorndike
Bandura is known for his: 
Social learning
Glasser is known for:
Reality/choice theory
Rational emotive behavior theorist is
Cognitive behavioral therapist for cognitive is
Cognitive behavior modification theorist is
Frankl, May and Yalom are:
Existential theorists
Perls theorized:
Person centered theorists are:
Rogers and Carkhuff
Narrative therapy theorists:
White and Epson
DeShazer and Kim Berg are:
Solution focused
Psychodynamic versus psychoanalysis differences:
Psychodynamic has fewer sessions per week and there’s no couch, therapy is face-to-face
Little Albert is what kind of experiment and what theorist?
Behavioral; John Watson
Krumboltz. Lent, Brown and Hackett. Tiedman and O’Hara. Gelatt
Career development theorists
Identity status theorist Mancia is an expansion of Erickson. What are the concepts?
Identity achievement, making goals and taking action. Identity moratorium, taking in info before deciding and leads to lack of progress. Identity for closure, adolescent goals are decided by others. Identity diffusion, procrastination goals or not formed.
Wubbolding WDEP
Wants, Direction & Doing, Evaluation, Planning
Ego Development theorist Lovinger, 9 stages of development are:
Pre-social, symbiotic, self protective, conformist, self-aware, conscientious, individualistic, autonomous, integrated.
Ego Development theorist Lovinger definition of each of the 9 stages :
Pre-social, self differentiation from world. Symbiotic, self differentiation from others. Self protective, affirm separate identity. Conformist, group roles and family acceptance. Self-aware, stability and maturity. Conscientiousness, internalize rules and understand morality. Individualistic, awareness of inner conflict. Autonomous, cope with awareness of inner conflicts and self fulfillment. Integrated, consolidated identity and except inner conflicts are a part of self.
Ego Psychology theorist
Interpersonal psychotherapy theorist
Harry S Sullivan
Object Relations
Kernberg, Winnicott, Mahler, Klein
Alfred Adler’s theory:
Individual psychotherapy
Psychoanalysis concepts:
Unconscious motivations Drive behaviors. Drives her about reproduction or aggression. Free association and dream analysis. Oral, anal, phallic, latency, Genital.
Career Counseling: Spillover Theory of Leisure-
Workers participate in leisure activities with similar characteristics to their work related tasks. Spillover.
Deprivations experienced at work or compensated during leisure is what theory?
Compensatory theory of leisure
Career maturity theorist is
Donald super
Graduate exposure therapy for a client is exposed anxiety producing event or object or practicing relaxation is called what?
Systematic desensitization
REBT by Albert Ellis.
Activating or adverse event. Beliefs. Consequences.
REBT concepts
Challenge the clients irrational beliefs. The therapist is blunt and honest to push client towards change.
Career Development: John Holland
Realistic. Investigative. Artistic. Social. Enterprising. Conventional.
Construct serviced career development theories
Savickas. D. Brown. Sunny Hansen.
Career Development Developmental Theorists;
Super, Gottfredson, Crites, Ginzberg et al
Career development psychodynamic theorists are
Roe. Hoppock. Bordin. Brill.
Career Development: Parsons and Holland
Testing and Matching
Self-concept develops over time with experience. Career development is lifelong. Created the self-directed search. Who am I?
Donald Super
Constructivist Theory includes:
Constructivism. Feminism. Relational-Cultural. Solution Focused. Narrative.
Technology and career counseling assessment
Occupational outlook handbook, dictionary of occupational titles, computer assisted career guidance systems. O*Net.
Assessment and career counseling
Strong interest inventory, self-directed search, Myers brig type inventory and Kuder career search inventory
What are assessments in career counseling?
Kuder Career Search-measures interests.
Strong Interest Inventory-Measures interest not abilities and influenced by Holland.
Self Directed Search-measures personality, Holland.
Myers-Briggs- Measures personality.
Developmental career theory, circumscription. Four stages of development. Who is The Theorist?
Circumscription is influence through modeling with four stages. What are they?
Orientation to size and power, orientation to sex rolls and dichotoomous thinking like boy girl jobs, orientation to social valuation like what occupations are beneath me, and orientation to unique self like what jobs for who I am?
What is the triadic model of consultation?
The consultant works with a mediator and the client to provide services
Shein’s purchase of expertise consultation model is what?
The consultee is aware of the problem and requests a consultant fix a problem. The consultant does not diagnose.
When the consultant designs behavioral change programs for the consulted to implement it is called what model?
Bsndura’s Behavioral consultation model
Caplan’s Psychodynamic mental health consultation model is what?
The client advisor silicon salty and does not see the client. The consultant is responsible for ethical and legal well-being of client.
Schein’s Process Consolation Model is:
Analogist to Dr. patient models. The consultant diagnosis a problem and prescribe solution to consulting. Focus on agency or organization not client. Focuses on process used to solve the problem, not the context.
What are the three steps of consultation?
Establish rapport, identify problem and set goals and assess advocacy and conclude consultation.
In consultation, the focuses on problem resolution. What are the four models of consultation?
Caplan’s Psychodynamic Mental Health Consultation.
Bandura’s Behavioral Consultation.
Schein’s Purchase of Expertise Model.
Schein’s Process Consultation Model.
What are the four quadrants of the Johari window?
Public or open, known to self and others. Blind, unknown to self but known to others. Private, hidden from others. Unknown, unconscious.
What are the seven common theoretical approaches for groups?
Psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, person centered, gestalt and existential, transactional analysis and narrative.
The Group Life Cycle theorists:
Yalom, Tuckman, Corey
What are Yalom’s 4 stages of the Group Life Cycle?
Orientation, conflict, cohesion and termination.
Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning or what theorists group life cycle?
Corey’s Group Life Cycle is:
Orientation and exploration, transition, working phase, consolidation and termination.
What are types of groups in group work?
Tasks groups, support groups, psychoeducational groups, psychotherapy groups, counseling groups, open and closed groups, homogeneous versus heterogenous groups.
What is the difference between counseling groups and psychotherapy groups?
Psychotherapy groups are more diagnosis focused, counseling groups are more growth focused.
Yalom’s 11 Curative Factors in group are:
All truism. Universality. Imparting information. Interpersonal learning. Corrective family recapitulation. Group cohesiveness. Existential factors. Installation of hope. Imitative behavior. Catharsis. Development of socialization techniques.
Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory states there are nine independent forms of intelligence and individual abilities are culturally valued and reinforced. What are the nine forms?
Linguistic. Logical mathematical. Musical. Spatial. Bodily kinesthetic. Interpersonal. Intrapersonal. Naturalist. Existential.
Kerberg, Winnicott, Mahler and Klein are theorists for?
Object relations
What theory is how infants interact with people/things in their environment?
Object relations
What is splitting, in object relations?
Black or White thinking
What are primary groups?
Secondary-problem or disturbance present.
Tertiary-deals with serious and longstanding difficulties.
Group Therapy was coined by:
Jacob Moreno
Existential treatment- Logotherapy is with:
Viktor Frankl
Mark Savaickas is:
Figure in career construction theory
The father of guidance is:
Frank Parsons