Theorists Pespectives On Education Flashcards
What does illich say about education?
-schools are repressive institutions which promote conformity and passivity
-achieved by rewarding those who accept the regime and punishing those who don’t EG. Excluding students
-believe schools should be abolished
What does Freire say about education?
-schools are places where learners are conditioned to accept oppression and subordination
What is Bowles and Gintis correspondence principle?
-school prepares students for work by mirroring the workplace
-Bowles & Gintis believe this occurs through the hidden curriculum
What do Bowles and Gintis believe about the myth of meritocracy?
-support the myth of meritocracy
-believe that success is not based on ‘hard work and talent’
What do Bowles & Gintis believe about role allocation?
-Bowles & Gintis believe education is there to allocate roles which have varying levels of rewards
-research found that submissive students achieve higher grades rather than those with independance
What does Willis believe about education?
-criticises Bowles & Gintis
-believes working class students don’t passively accept the system, but know that they are set up to fail
-see through the myth of meritocracy