Race And Ethinicity In Education Flashcards
Why are BMEs more likely to live in deprived areas with higher unemployment and lower wages?
-a lack of language skills
-foreign qualifications
-asylum seekers may not be allowed to work
-radical discrimination -
-Islam belief of ‘purdah’ preventing women from working
What did Rex say about racism in wider society?
-radical discrimination leads to social exclusion, worsening the poverty faced by ethnic minorities
-minorities are more likely to be forced into substandard housing compared to white people of the same class
What did gilborn and mirza’s study show about black children?
-studied a school where black students were the highest % of any ethnic group attending the school
-black children achieved the worst results at GCSEs of any ethnic group (21 points below average)
How does family structure differ in different ethnic groups?
-many black families headed by a lone mother and have a fatalistic view on life
-asains are higher achievers as they are more resistant to racism and often have multiple generations living under the Same roof so have more discipline
-black Caribbean do worse in school as they are less resistant to racism so have low self esteem
-Sewell ‘lack of tough love’ leading to emotional and behavioural problems
How do attitudes and values differ depending on ethinicity?
-black children lack motivation
-black subculture that instils a fatalistic ‘live for today’ attitude that does not involve education and leaves them unequipped for success
How do intellectual skills and linguistic skills cause underachievement in minority groups?
-many minority groups lack these skills
-English not spoken at home leaves their linguistic skills underdeveloped
-low income black families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences
What are some trends on ethinicity and education?
2004- best performing group was Chinese & worst performing group was black Caribbean
2012- best performing group was black African & worst performing group was still black Caribbean
2014- best performing group was Chinese & worst performing group was gypsy/Roma/traveller white British bellow national average
What are some trends on students that took GCSEs in 2008 that went to university?
-Chinese the most (75.7%)
-white British the least (32.6%)
Trends with students eligible for free school meals?
-only groups under 10% are Indian and Chinese
-traveller is 60%
-16% of all white British pupils eligible for free school meals do not obtain 5 or more GCSEs
What students behave worst in school?
Black carribean
What are the external factors?
-cultural deprivation
-linguistic skills
-intellectual skills
-attitudes and values
-family structure and parental support
How are schools institutionally racist?
Asian pupils are seen as intelligent, however black pupils are viewed as the opposite
How does the curriculum effect ethnic minorities?
-based upon white Britishness
-English focused on more than any other language
What are the internal factors in ethnicity and achievement?
-racialised expectations
-institutional racism
-ethnocentric curriculum
-pupil identities
What did becker state about labelling?
Teachers ideas of the ideal pupil match the labels that they give to middle-class students
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
The concept which states that students become their labels
Evaluation of labelling and the self-fulfilling prophecy
-ignores free will
-if it was true wouldn’t all students just label all students as intelligent?
-teachers would argue that they have professionalism and do not label students