theorists for paper 2 Flashcards
supported Jespersen’s deficit model of 1922. argued that male language was the norm and females language was deficient.
conventions of male and female language
released a book in 1975 “language and woman’s place”
O’Barr and Atkins
concluded that the language conventions that lakoff said women used were also used by men who had little power/confidence. language diversity is due to power not gender. in the stereotypical past women have had less power which may be the cause of their language. in a more equal society, maybe these differences will be less present.
1990 book "you just don't understand" difference model status vs support independence vs intimacy advice vs understanding information vs feelings orders vs proposals conflict vs compromise
non standard form 1982
concluded that boys use non standard forms to conform to/are controlled by vernacular culture
In 1987, Cheshire observed that language, as much as with teenagers as with adults, develops in response to “important life events that affect social relations and social attitudes of individuals.”
argued that kids will be apart of same sex friendship groups and femlale language is cooperative
janet hyde
gender similarities hypothesis
more similarities between men and women than differances
belfast study 1980
men more closed networks
women more open networks
investigated 3 working class communities
1992- Women in same sex conversations were more positive and collaborative. Men in same sex talk were a lot less collaborative
1999 – Power types. Influential, power that’s used to influence and people listen because they want to. Instrumental, power used to establish power and must listen. Personal power – links to occupational roles. Political power – position to enforce law. Social group power – links to social roles (age, power sex
drew and herritage
Inferential framework – knowledge is built up over time and used to understand meanings that is implicit (linking to jargon). Believed there were 6 predominant features of workplace speech; goal orientation, turn taking rules, allowing contributions, professional lexis, structure, and symmetry.
jargon is important as it increases efficiency in the workplace
2011 – discourse communities. People use lexis specific to occupation to share and achieve the same goals. One must possess the required level of knowledge to join the community.
speech acts
Verdictives, which present a finding
Exercitives, which exemplify power or influence (includes giving permission or orders)
Commissives, which consist of promising or committing to doing something
Behabitives, which have to do with social behaviors and attitudes like apologizing and congratulating
Expositives, which explain how our language interacts with itself
language choice is in response to life events
maxims quality quantity manner relevance