theorists Flashcards
what are piaget’s 4 schemas?
What are the 4 stages of piaget’s theory and their age ranges
sensori motor (0-2)
pre-operational (2-7)
concrete operational (7-11)
formal operational (11-18)
What is sensori motor
a child learns there senses
what is pre-opreational
egocentric thinking
what is concrete operational
what is formal opreational
abstract thinking
what is egocentric thinking
where a child doesn’t understand that another person thinks and feels differently to them
what is conservation
where appearance change but quantity is still the same
What are the critics to piagets theory
caps at 18
learning disabilities were not considered
children progress at different rates
What is chomskys theory
Children are pre gentically programmed to learn grammar through lad
what is lad
Language acquisition device and a tool that encodes grammar
What are the critics to chomskys theory
Lacks of scientific evidence
bruner said social intreaction is key
didnt take learning diffculties into account
focused on grammatically evidence father than meaning behind it
What is Bowlbys theory
Attachement theory
he said there is innate ability to attach to a primary caregiver
What is the critical period of bowlbys theory
0-2 if no attachment is formed it goes to maternal
What are the impacts of maternal deprivation
unsecure attachment
lack of trust
no respect
poor behaviour
low iq
Critics of Bowlbys theory
czech twins
What was ainsworths theory
strange situation based on an infant and a primary caregivers reunion
What are the 3 attachment Ainsowrth created alongside with the additional one from Main
Insecure ambivalent
Insecure adviodant
What are the critics of ainsworths theory
unfamillar environment
done on white middle class babies
What is a secure attachment
an infant crys when caregiver leaves and wants comfort from them
what is insecure ambivalent and advoidant
insceure ambivaelnt- infant crys but doesn’t want comfort from primary caregiver
insecure advoidant- they child does nothing
What is disorganised attachement
the child is fearful for comfort
What did rutter suggest
suggested bowbly oversimplifed theory as he said maternal deprivation in two sections
What is deprivation
there once was an attachment but no longer is
may be revresed
what is privation
there was no attachment
What is the critics of rutter
bulldog bank six
holmes and rahe theory
units that put certain points on to helath and wellbeing which the units realte to stress
what are 3 top units in the homes and rahe theory
marital seperation
death of a spouse
What are the four attachments that scaffer and emerson came up with and their age ranges
Asocial (0-6 weeks)
indscrimante (6 weeks-7 months)
specific (7-9 months)
multiple (10+ months)
What does all the four attachements of scaffer and emerson mean
Asocial- dont care who looks after them as long as primary caregiver needs are met
indscrimante- they know who there primary caregiver is but dont care who
specific - seperation anxiety
multiple- form other attachment but still with primary caregiver
What was the roberstons’ theory
different stages of detaching from primary caregiver
what are the critics to the robertstons theory
was done on medical patients
had different opening times
what was bandura’s social learning theory
bobo doll where they see if children copy what parents do
What are the 4 main princples of bandura theory and meaning
attention- draw in the child
retention- memory
reproduction- can they physically do it
motivation- postive and negative reinforcments
What are the critics of bandura’s theory
white middle class babies
what is Gesell’s maturation theory
gentically programmed sequence to put in norms of milestones.
he also said id there was a delay it was due to your bioloigcal makeup
what was the outcomes to banduras theory
boys were more agressive than girls
likely to model the same gender as them
what are the critics to Gesell’s theory
didn’t think of enviromental reasons
different milestones
didn’t say how long delay was
what is the stress diathesis model
where your predisopsed to a mental health disorder or enivronmental factors do it
what are some buffers that can help stop the predispostion and environmental factors towards a bad mental health
health care
what are the critics of the homes and rahe theory
caps at 2 years
everyone goes through things differently
what are the critics of the homes and rahe theory
caps at 2 years
everyone goes through things differently
what is the social disengament theory
it is natural for elederly to disengaged from society due to family wanting less of them and some issues that limit them
what are the critics to the social disengagment theory
bromley- overcome by remaining active
what is the activity theory
older people like to remain active and do engange as they take on new roles
what are the critics of the activity theory
finacial barriers
lack of family supporyt