Theorist Views Flashcards
What does the Functionalist Murdock say the 4 functions of the family are?
1) Sexual
2) Reproductive
3) Economic
4) Educational
What do the new right think has undermined the family?
Social polices on family, children, divorce, and welfare.
What does New Right sociologist Murray say is a result of welfare benefits being too high?
A culture of dependency is created.
What do Feminists call the existing social order?
What do the New right believe is the best for society?
The Traditional Nuclear family and its values.
What does Zaretsky believe the family allows the proletariat to do?
It is the one place where the proletariat can have power and control so allows them to release frustration into family which allows them to accept their oppression and exploitation as workers.
What is Carol Smart’s Personal Life Perspective?
Anyone can be family as she focuses on meanings to individuals. For example, A friend who may be like a sister/brother to you.
Why does Engels believe that the family has an economic function?
So that wealth is kept within the bourgeoisie system by passing it through generations with inheritance.
What is a criticism of the Marxist view on family?
Traditional Marxists assume that the worker is male and that women are housewives.
What do Radical Feminists think the exploitation of women is down to?
The domination of men in society.
What do Functionalists believe the family instills?
Instills culture into new members of society.
Why do Liberal Feminists say the family is Sexist?
It supports the mainstream culture.
What does the Functionalist Parsons say the 2 functions of the family are?
1) Primary Socialization
2) Stabilization of adult personalities (Warm Bath Theory)
What is a criticism of the Functionalist view of the family?
Focuses on the ‘good’ bits of family and ignores the negatives like abuse. Said to view society through Rose-tinted glasses.
What is a criticism of the New Right view on family?
They blame the victim for their problems.
What is a criticism of the feminist view on the family?
Feminists don’t acknowledge that power might be shared within a family.
What do Feminists believe about the family?
It exploits & oppresses women.
What do Marxist Feminists think is essential to help Capitalism?
The exploitation of women allows for the success of capitalism.
How do Marxists view the family?
As meeting the needs of the capitalist society.