Theorist Review Flashcards
Leon Festinger
Cognitive Dissonance, Proximity Theory, Social Psychology, Seeker Cult
Val Curtis
Human reactions to disgust, how disgust evolved to combat diseases and infections, behavior changes and why
Stanley Milgram
Obedience taught while growing up, obedience through authority
Steele & Aronson
Stereotypical threat intellectual test performance, relationship between race and stereotypes, how racial stereotypes impact education
Elizabeth Loftus
Phrasing and how sequence of events were remembered, how trauma affects how we see the world, planted false memories
Henri Tajfel
Social Identity Theory, sense of self = how they consider themselves to belong to social groups, intergroup relationships, lift your group up by hating on the other one
Brown & Kulik
Flashbulb memory, memories from JFK assassination, more emotional = more vivid, certainty is higher but accuracy is not, cognitive approach to behavior
Thomas Bouchard
Twins reared apart, strong biological factors in intelligence and interest, nature vs nurture
Eric Kandel
Physiological changes in brain during storage and formation of memories, roots of brain disease, cognitive and biological approaches to behavior
Joseph LeDoux
Fear and emotional processing, amygdala is vital in fear processing
Kenneth B. & Mamie Clark
Doll and coloring test, racial prejudice apparent as early as 5, used in Brown vs. Board of Education
Tversky & Kanheman
Prospect theory, human aversion to loss over equivalent gain, lottery experiments, risk vs reward
Marco Lacoboni
Human neuron mirror, understand actions of others, Teacup Experiment
Solomon Asch
Social conformity, conformity line test, socio-cultural understanding
Muzafer Sherif
Social judgment theory, conflict theory, how groups deal with competition, 11 year old boys in the woods