Theories Representation Flashcards
Theories of representation - Stuart Hall
Media language is used to
create representations.
Stereotyping is often used
to assert power.
Theories of identity - David Gauntlett
We use the internet and other media texts to help us to create our identity. we can now have more of a variety of representations to identify with.
Feminist theory - Liesbet van Zoonen
Men and women are represented differently in the media, women are objectified as a result of western culture.
Feminist theory - bell hooks
Feminism is a political struggle to end patriarchal domination. other factors include race and cass.
Theories of gender performativity - Judith Butler
Gender is a social construct, masculine and feminine are created through repetition in media
Theories around ethnicity and postcolonial theory - Paul Gilroy
Racial identities are historically constructed through colonialism, slavery, and capitalism rather than based on inherent biological differences.