Theories of the family : Functionalists Flashcards
What do functionalist believe society is based off ?
They believe that it is based off a value consensus - a set of shared norms + values - into which society socialises its members into.
What does Murdock believe the purpose of the family ?
Stable satisfaction of the sex drive
Reproduction of the next generation
Socialisation of the young Meeting its members’ economic needs
What are the criticisms of Murdock’s views on the family ?
Some sociologists argue that other institutions or other family structures perform these functions. Marxists and feminists reject his rose-tinted harmonious consensus view that the family meets the needs of its’ members.
Feminists see the family as serving the needs of men + oppressing women.
Marxists argue that it meets the needs of capitalism, not those of family members.
What is Parsons’ view on the family ?
It is the functional fit theory. This is where he believes that the family performs functions depending on the society it is based in. Based on the functions they have to perform the family structure will change into two types : extended or nuclear. There is 2 types of societies industrial and pre-industrial. The 2 functions are : a geographically mobile workforce + socially mobile workforce.