Theories of the family Flashcards
Murdock Functionalist perspective on the family:
- see the family as a building block of society. biological analogy, organs perform functions like the family does (socialisation)
4 functions:
sex= marriage
reproduction= next gen
socialisation= of the young into shared norms/values
economic= food & shelter
Criticisms of murdocks view on the family:
- can be performed by other institutions, not just the family
- or non nuclear family structures
- feminists & marxists criticise the rose tinted view. feminists: oppression
marxists: capitalism
Parsons functionalist perspective on the family
the structure of a family will fit the needs of society.
- nuclear fits industrial
- extended fits pre-industrial
- geographically mobile
pre industrial, lived in same village, same farm. modern, move to different places for jobs, easier for nuclear than extended to move - socially mobile
modern society requires skilled technically competent workforce. status achieved not ascribed. nuclear family better, extended family, father has high ascribed status, son higher achieved causing tension. leave the family to form nuclear.
Parsons 2 functions of the family:
family no longer unit of production, now unit of consumption
- primary socialisation of children
- stabilisation of adult personalities (family place to relax, rest for work)
Marxist perspective on the family, inheritance
- capitalists own means of production
- Engels, monogamy essential for inheritance of private property. had to be sure of paternity so their heirs would be inherited
- women under control, instrument for the production of children
- overthrow of capitalism and private ownership, free from patriarchal control. collectively own means of production no need to transmit property
Marxist perspective on the family, unit of consumption
- capitalism exploits workers using their labour to make products which they sell for more than they pay (profit)
-e.g media target children to pester parents to spend more - children need latest clothes or mocked by peers
Marxist perspective on the family, ideological functions:
- socialise children that hierarchy and inequality are inevitable. always someone in charge, obey capitalist employers (prepare for work)
- Zaretsky, family is a haven from exploitive world of capitalism
Criticisms of marxist perspective on the family:
- ignores wider variety of family structures, only takes into consideration nuclear family
- emphasis on class and capitalism ignoring importance of gender inequalities
Liberal feminist perspective on the family
- dont believe gender equality has been achieved yet but there has been gradual progress
- womens oppression being overcome through changes in law (sex discrimination act)
- men do more domestic labour
Criticisms of liberal feminist perspective on the family:
- women still oppressed in many areas of society e.g still gender pay gaps despite the equal pay laws
Marxist feminist perspective on the family
main cause of oppression is capitalism
- women absorb anger, Ansley, ‘takers of shit’ soak up husbands frustration from exploitation at work
- women are a reserve army of cheap labour, taken on when needed and let go
Criticisms of marxist feminist perspective on the family
- views women as passive, not all conform to practices of a capitalist society
- ignores diversity in other family types
- patriarchy existed before capitalism
Radical feminist perspective on the family
men are the enemy, source oppression & exploitation
- family & marriage key patriarchal institutions, men benefit from domestic labour and sexual services, threaten domestic violence
- family should be abolished, argue for political
lesbianism, heterosexual relationships: sleeping with the enemy
Criticisms of radical feminist perspective on the family:
- not all men are inherently patriarchal
- doesn’t consider progress which has been made
Difference feminist perspective on the family
- can’t generalise womens experiences, lesbian, black heterosexual and white are different. some view the family positively others negatively
Criticisms of difference feminist perspective on the family:
- dividing women into subgroups weakens the movement for change
What is the sociology of personal life perspective on the family?
- bottom up approach of interactionism
- meanings that individual family members hold & how they shape their relationships
- wider view of relationships not just traditional
- draws attention to relationships that may not be conventionally defined as family
Examples of relationships not by blood:
- friends, like a ‘sister’ or ‘brother’
- fictive kin (mums bestfriend, ‘auntie’)
- gay and lesbian chosen families
- Tipper, children saw pets as part of the family
What does Smart say on donor conceived children?
- the effort put into raising a child makes them the mother, not the cell that starts it off
- difficulty if someone says their child doesn’t look like them
evaluate the personal life perspective on the family:
- takes too much of a broad view, ignore whats special about blood/marriage if we consider everyone family
- rejects functionalism top down view however sees intimate relationships as serving an important function, belongingness
- recognises how relatedness isn’t always positive (abuse)