Theories of the family Flashcards
What does functionalists believe?
- Society is based on a value consensus - a set of shared values and norms
- They compare society to a biological organism
What 4 essential functions does Murdock believe is necessary to meet the needs of society and its members?
- Stable satisfaction of the sex drive
- Reproduction of the next generation
- Socialisation of the young
- Meeting its members economic needs
What are some criticisms of Murdock?
- Some sociologists argue that some important functions can be performed equally well by other institutions and by non-nuclear family structures
- Functionalism neglect conflict and exploitation
What is Parsons’ ‘functional fit’ theory?
- He sees the nuclear family as uniquely suited to meeting the needs of modern society for a geographically and socially mobile workforce
What 2 basic types of society did Parsons find and what family dominated them?
- Modern industrial society and the traditional pre-industrial society, the extended family began to give way to the nuclear family
- This was because the emerging industrial society had different needs from pre-industrial society
What 2 essential needs did Parsons believe the industrial society needs?
- A geographically mobile workforce - easier for the compact two generation nuclear family to move than the three generation extended family
- A socially mobile workforce - modern society is based on constantly evolving science and technology and so requires a skilled workforce (status is achieved not ascribed)
How was the pre-industrial family a multi-functional unit?
A unit of production and consumption
In modern society what two essential or ‘irreducible’ functions do the nuclear family come to specialise in?
- The primary socialisation of children
- The stabilisation of adult personalities
What 2 classes do Marxist see capitalist society based on?
The capitalist class, who owns the means of production
The working class, who labour the capitalists exploit for profit
What 3 functions do Marxists see the family as fulfilling for capitalism?
- Inheritance for property
- Ideological function
- Unit of consumption
What does Marxists argue as the key determining factor in shaping all social institutions?
- The mode of production (everything that goes into the production of the necessities for life)
What was primitive communism?
The earliest classless society, in this society there was no private property instead all members of society owned the means of production communally
How was private property introduced?
- As the forces of production developed, society’s wealth began to increase and so did private property
How was the patriarchal monogamous nuclear family brought about?
Men were able to secure control of the means of production
Why was monogamy essential of the inheritance of private property?
In Engel’s view they had to be certain of the paternity of their children in order to ensure that their legitimate heirs inherited from them