Theories of Religion - Social Change Flashcards
Weber’s General View on Religion as Force for Social Change
Calvinism brought about spirit of capitalism based on pursuit of profit for its own sake rather than spending it on luxuries.
God’s predetermined souls saved ‘’the elect’’. This is decided from birth and is unchangeable
Ascetic Lifestyle
Abstinence, self discipline & self denial, refraining from luxury, avoiding excess.
Response to Calvinist Beliefs
> Working hard was a solution to anxiety caused by beliefs on predestination, success could be sign of god’s favour & their salvation.
> Profit gained would be reinvested back into their businesses as they must live ascetically, to produce further profit.
Why has Capitalism failed in other countries?
> Due to lack of belief in system like calvinism, despite having factors e.g. trade, economy & legal system
> Lacked drive to accumulate wealth, calvinism was unique for capitalism to emerge.
Kautsky A03 - Calvinism
Capitalism already existed before Calvinism, only purpose of it was to justify ruling class domination & continue myth of divine inequality.
How are Neo-Marxist views different to Marxist views?
Sees how religion can be form of social change & developing class consciousness.
How does Neo-Marxism agree with Marxist views?
Religion exploits working class
Bloch - Principle of Hope (Neo-Marxism)
> Religion has dual character, stops change but offers people idea of utopia & change for a better life
> Hope from religious belief inspires rebellion rallying people to bring a revolution, with aim of social change.
Maduro - Liberation Theology (Radical) (Neo Marxism)
> Encourages people to change society in Latin America, due to exploitation faced.
> Shouldn’t rely on aid from rich countries & behave in revolutionary way.
> Need for poor to put these ideas into action & overthrow dictatorship, bringing about democracy, not threatening capitalism.
Criticisms of Liberation Theology
Pope rejected Liberation Theology & told priests to focus on religious duties.
What is Hegemony?
Ideological control ruling class have over working class.
Gramsci on what ruling class (bourgeosie) rely on to maintain rule?
Ruling class rely on consent to maintain rule, institutions e.g. Church maintains consent promoting hegemony.
Why does Gramsci believe Control isn’t inevitable?
> But control isn’t inevitable as working class have dual consciousness, they’re aware of exploitation & can see through ideology.
> So can create own set of ideas for social change, working class can win battle for ideas, producing own organic intellectuals
> e.g. clergy can help working class realise their situation.
Aims of American civil rights movement
> Aimed to get equal rights, led by Martin Luther King using Christian values to gain unity & find common ground.
> Helped gain legitimacy & followers
Methods used by American civil rights movement to bring change
Protests, marches, boycotts & demonstrations
Aims & Beliefs of New Christian Right
> Take USA back to God, before secularism & make LGBT & Abortion illegal
> Favour traditional family/gender roles, ban sex education in school & teach creationism.