religion reinforces false class consciousness
-Religious teachings persuade people that poverty and wealth are not a man made issue but an act of God-reinforces false class consciousness
-Leaves people unaware they are being oppressed and exploited by the capitalist system
-Religious people then fail to challenge inequalities they face in society because in their view it would be disrespecting God who has chosen their path for them
-Results in inequities still existing in society unchallenged
Christian hymns and prayers reference to god deicides who is rich and who Is poor
If religion is declining in society how does it still act as a tool of oppression
Religion encourages people to embrace poverty
-Poverty is a test from god and people who tolerate it are preferred by god.
-Encourages the view that poverty is a desired lifestyle so they embrace it and hope they will please god and be rewarded in the afterlife
-Benefits people in position of power because they know their authority won’t be challenged by people who think poverty is desirable
Bible passages in christainty say poverty will be rewarded
doesn’t consider how gender inequality is also a major issue within religion
Religion is the product of alienation
Alienation:people lack control and have no autonomy over their lives
-Feeling is created through repetitive methods of working in the means of production, people are left feeling worthless,exploited and dehumanised.
-People In this position are likely to turn to religion as a source of comfort
-Describe religion as being the ‘opium of the people’ this means people in desperate situations consume religion in a drug like way,dulling the pain and the harsh reality fo their day to day lives
-Benefits capitalism as these people are unlikely to challenge the unfairness of the situation
Nature of jobs has changed so this function may no longer be applicable to modern society