theories of judgment Flashcards
dual process pros and cons
- oversimplified
error perfromance not realted to system 1
dual process systems
system 1= automatic
system 2= consciously monitors
2 unitary theory
when making decsion maximise utlity
expected= probability of outcome times utility outcome
prospect theory
reference point that corresponds current state
- loss aversion- more sensative lo losses than gains
framing effect
way solutions are framed influences decsion making
-sunk cost effect-complete and expert knowlege
explaining more than previous theories
individual differences( make decions based on experiences)
overall prospect theory is
aversion and framing
social and emotional
amygdala role == whichprospect theory overlooks
autonomy of decsion making
ommission bias- inaction and action
status quo bias- prefer to accept current state than change decions