Theories of Biology Flashcards
all organisms are made up of cells and these cells come from pre-exsisting cells
cell concept
life comes only from life
the internal environment remains within a normal range
all living things have a common ancestor and are adapted to a particular way of life
evolution or natural selection
organisms contain coded information that dictates their structure, function and behavior
gene concept
there is a God
Divine creation theory
life was here from the beginning of time. it has no beginning and no end.
philosophical theory or eternity
life originated from protoplasm in the form of a resistant spore coming from outer planets propelled by radiation pressure
interplanetery or cosmozoic theory
life originated spontaneously from non-living things
spontaneous generationn or abiogenesis theory
most accepted theory. life originated from an explosion of a hot rotating ball of gas and eventually life was formed from the chemical evolution of different compounds present in the primitive earth
big bang theory