Theories Of Aging Flashcards
What is Gerontology ?
Study of all aspect of aging process and consequences
What is Ageism?
Discrimination against older people
What are some Myths and Stereotypes of older adults?
Disabled,Ill, unattractive ,forgetful,confused rigid boring and unfriendly. Not interested in sex or sexual activities. Unable to learn and understand new information
What are some developmental tasks for Older Adults?
Death of fiends and significant others, retirement and reduced or fix income, changes in quality of life or living arrangements.
Redefining Relationships
Structural and functional changes: Failing Health and physical strength
Self acceptance
What are some Health Disparities in Older Adults?
African and Native Americans have a 30% higher risk of mortality
Native Americans and Alaska Natives less likely or be screened for colorectal cancer
Hispanic and African Americans are less likely to receive adequate diabetes care management
Asian Americans are more likely to develop end stage kidney disease due to diabetes
What are some Community based and Institutional Health Care Service?
Nurse can encounter patients in private homes, apartments, retirement communities, adult day care centers, assisted living facilities, and nursing centers.
Explain what the Pace program
Is a Medicare and Medicaid program that helps people meet their health care needs in the community instead of going to a nursing home or other care facility
What are some Older Adult Interview Techniques?
Sit or stand at eye level in front of the patient in full view
Face the older adult while speaking. Speak clearly.
Provide diffuse, bright, on nonglare lighting
Encourage the older adult to use his or her familiar assistive devices such as glasses or a magnifier
Why is assessing the needs of older adults important?
Because we asses the effects of disease and disability on functional status (if they are taking care of themselves)
Loss of function/ or confusion of ADL’S
Altered mental status and response to specific disease ( in older adults altered mental status might indicate an infection)
What are some physiological changes in older adults?
1) Older adults concept of well being revolves around how they perceive their ability to function
2) Perception of well being define quality of life
How does aging affect the integumentary system in older adults?
Loss of skin elasticity with fat loss in the extremities, pigmentation changes , hair thinning in women and decreased facial hair in men and increased facial hair in women, slower nail growth
How does aging affect head and neck?
Visual acuity declines, missing teeth or improperly fitting dentures, common vocal changes a rise in pitch and a loss of power and range , salivary secretion is reduced and taste buds atrophy and loss sensitivity
How does aging affect the thorax and lungs?
Respiratory strength decreases, calcification of the costal cartilages causes decreased mobility,chest wall stiffer and lung expansion decreases person less able to cough deeply and more susceptible to pneumonia or other bacterial infections
Decreased cardiac output due to decreased Contractile strength, Bp sometimes high, peripheral pulses weaker in the extremities,
Milk duct replaced by fat, tissue less firm, decreased muscle mass, tone and elasticity which results in smaller breasts. Breasts start to sag. Gynecomastia , enlarged breasts in men
How does aging affect the reproductive system?
MALE: sperm count diminishes, smaller testes, erections less firm and slow to develop
Female: decreased estrogen production, degeneration of ovaries, atrophy of ovaries, uterus, breasts
How does aging affect the gastrointestinal system?
Periodontal disease, decrease in saliva , gastric secretions, and pancreatic enzymes, smooth muscle changes with decreased peristalsis and small intentional mobility; decreased production of intrinsic factor, increased stomach pH, loss of muscles in the stomach, rectal prolapse, and impaired rectal sensation
How does aging affect the urinary system?
Hypertrophy of prostate gland which causes pressure of the neck of the bladder causing urinary retention, frequency, incontinence, and UTI’S; older women who have had children experience release of urine during coughing, laughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects.
How does aging affect the neurological system?
There is degeneration of nerve cells, decrease in neurotransmitters, decrease in the rate of conduction of impulses
How does aging affect the musculoskeletal system?
It causes muscle strength to diminish in portion to the decline of muscle mass. Post menopausal women experience a greater rate of bone demineralization than men. Osteoporosis low bone mass.
What are some functional changes in aging with the older adult?
1) some are not able to perform their ADL’S
2) some changes are usually linked to illness or to disease and degree chronicity ( medical condition that doesn’t get better)
3) occupational and physical therapists are best resources for a comprehensive assessment