Theories for child acquisition Flashcards
behaviourist- children imitate adults and their correct utterances are reinforced when they are praised.
positive and negative reinforcement.
innateness- a child’s brain contains special language learning mechanisms at birth.
LAD (language acquisition device) able to process grammatical structure of language.
cognitive- language is just one aspect of a child’s overall intellectual development.
Jean Aitchison
semantic model
labelling- understand concepts of labels and links words to things.
packaging- explore extent of labels (over or under extend)
network building- make connections between labels.
Ursla Bellugi
three stages of pronoun development
child uses their own name
recognises I/me pronouns
uses pronouns according to whether they are subject/object position
Jean Berko
experiment on 4-5 year olds
drew a wug then drew another, 76% of children used regular plural -s to make it plural (wugs)
Berko and Brown
Fis phenomena
children are able to recognise sounds before they are able to produce them. phonological errors occur as a result of physiological development occurring slower tan cognitive development.
Bruners LASS (language acquisition support system) children acquire language through social interaction, routine and ritual that teach social convention such as turn-taking.
Roger Brown
identified stages of morphemes
present tense progressive (-ing) is learnt first
children start asking questions through three stages
stage 1- rising intonation but no grammar used (mummy here)
stage 2- child grasps wh- words (where mummy)
stage 3- child learns auxiliary verbs (is mummy here)
Halliday’s functions
7 functions.
transactional- language is used to fulfil a lesson a need.
regulatory- where language is used to influence behaviour.
interactional-where language is used to develop relationships
personal- language is used to convey opinions
representational- language is used to convey facts
imaginative-language used to create an imaginary world
heuristic- language used to learn the world around them.
Katherine Nelson
the first 50 words of 18 children
naming (things or people)
theory of scaffolding and providing help when young and slowly remove it as they get older.
ZPD ( zone of proximal development) capacity to improve
MKO (more knowledgeable other) caregiver who helps.
Sociodramatic play- being able to create scenarios through play.