Theories: Conflict Theories Flashcards
[🟠] what is Marxism?
- It’s a conflict theory that believes that most societies have inequalities
- The interests of the powerful go directly against the interest of the surbodinate groups
- It may seem that society is in consensus but that’s only because the subordinate groups are socialised to accept their inferiority
- The powerful use the concept of ideology to justify their position in society
[🟠] what does Karl Marx state?
- Relations of productions
- Bourgeoisie owns the means of production ( the wealthy to invest and aim to make a profit) their ownership gives them power to exploit the subject class using them for their own gain
- The proletariat/subject class have little to no wealth, they have to work to earn a living
- Marx believed society is unequal because the subject class was exploited ( they earned a small value of the goods they made)
[🟠] what is the structure of society?
-The Infrastructure largely shapes the superstructure
- Infrastructure: The economic system that provides people material needs
- Superstructure: the institutions. Eg: the family, media, education
- Other parts of the superstructure reinforce the position of the ruling class. Eg: the education system provides the workforce capitalism requires.
- The ruling class ideology justifies and legitimises the social order
- False class conscious - we are unaware of our exploitation by the distraction of our desire to consume therefore we see no alternatives
[🟠] what is alienation?
- It is the loss control over their labour as they no longer as we no longer create things to meet our needs
- It is worse in capitalism as they are separated from and have no control over the means of production
- The division of labour is so intense workers are reduced to meaningless labourers as they repeat meaningless task
- Their work becomes a means to an end, a means of obtaining money to buy the goods and services necessary for their existence
[🟠] what does Marx say about going from capitalism to communism ?
- Marx believed that the subject class will realise their own exploitation and reject the ruling class ideology
- They would overthrow the system of capitalism and become a communist society
- Where everyone owned the means of production and people worked to benefit all not just the ruling class
[🟠] Evaluation of Karl Marx’s theory?
- Marx thought that there would be a growing class conflict however that has not occurred. Instead class has been institutionalised with certain political parties representing different classes
- There has been a growing middle class therefore class divisions are unclear
- WEBER: status and power differences can be an important source of inequality
- Feminists: gender is a more fundamental source of inequality
- Communist society: Significant social inequalities in communist regimes, The Soviet Union
Economic determinism: accused Marx of economic determinism that money shapes people’s behaviour
[🟠] what is the humanistic neo-Marxist approach
[🟠] Evaluation of the humanistic approach ?
[🟠] what is the structuralist neo-Marxist approach
[🟠] what is Althusser’s criticism of humanism ?
[🟠] Evaluation of Althusser
[🩷] what is liberal feminists view?
[🩷] what does Oakley say about sex and gender ?
[🩷] Evaluation of liberal feminism
[🩷] what’s Marxist feminist view?
[🩷] Evaluation of Marxist feminism
[🩷] What’s Radical feminists view?
[🩷] Rad fems
[🩷] what are the solutions that Radical Feminists propose?
[🩷] Evaluation of Radical Feminists ?
[🩷] What is dual system feminism ?
[🩷] What is difference/intersectional feminism ?