Debates: Is Sociology A Science Flashcards
[🧪] what are the sources of knowledge
1. Authoritarian: knowledge comes from a person who is wise and who provides information
2. Mystical: insight gained from religious experience or drug taking
3. Logics-rational: knowledge comes from ‘seeking the truth’ which comes from the rules of logic
4. Scientific: knowledge comes from putting forward ideas and hypotheses and testing them in rigorous ways
[🧪] what did ‘enlightenment thinkers’ believe science could do?
- natural science produced true, objective knowledge of the world around us
- this would be useful for progress and human betterment. Eg: eradicating diseases and hunger
[🧪] what is meant by science ?
- Set of principles that tell us how to produce valid knowledge
- Laws and theories on objective facts gained by observing phenomena
- Uses empiricism: knowledge gained from experience or observation
- Uses objectivity: researcher doesn’t involve their opinions, biases and prejudices
- Empirical knowledge is gained through experiments ( testing different relationships between variables)
- Theories and laws tested over and over by replication become accepted as scientific knowledge
[🧪] what are the 5 features of science
- Empirical
- Testable: empirical knowledge should be repeatedly tested, revisited, open to verification and refutation
- Theoretical: explain casual relationships ( explains why something happens)
- Cumulative: scientific theory builds on previous knowledge
- Objective
[📗] which sociologists believed that sociology is a science ?
- Comte, Durkheim and Marx
- Positivists
[📗] what are positivists view on sociology ?
- Sociology can ad should use methods of natural sciences
- Sociologists should use Quantitative methods that aim to identify and measure social structures
- Durkheim: real laws are discoverable that will explain patterns of behaviour
[📗] what is induction/inductive reason and inductive logic ?
- Induction/inductive reasoning: accumulating data about the world through careful observation and measurement
- Inductive logic: type of reasoning that involves moving from a set of specific facts to a general conclusion
[📗] what do positivist think about social facts and what are the features of social facts ?
- Our behaviour is a result of social facts
1. They are external to individuals
2. They constrain individuals, shaping their behaviour
3. Greater than individuals ( exist on a higher level )
[📗] How does social facts influence sociology
- In sociology we might explain the social fact of educational failure with another social fact of material deprivation
- Therefore sociologists seek to discover the causes and patterns they observe, aiming to produce general statements and scientific laws on how society works
- Resulting in the ability to predict future events and guide social policies
[📗] what is verification ?
- ## Inductive reasoning claims to verify a theory - which is proving it is true
[📗] what type of explanations do positivists prefer?
- Macro or structural explanations. Eg: functionalism or Marxism
- because macro theories see society and it’s structures as social facts that exist outside us and shape our behaviour
[📗] why do positivists use quantitative data ?
- Uncovers and measures patterns of behaviour
- Produces mathematically precise statements about the relationship between facts
- Analysing quantitative data discovers the laws of cause
[📗] why do positivists prefer objective research ?
- Researchers should be detached and objective
- They should not let their subjective feelings, values or prejudice influence how they conduct their research or analyse their findings
- HOWEVER: sociology deals with people, therefore there is danger that the researcher may contaminate the research. Eg: influencing interviewees to answer in ways that reflect the researchers opinion
- Therefore us the most objective quantitative methods like: questionnaires, structured interviews and statistics. These methods are reliable
[📗] Explain positivism and suicide?
- Durkheim: used the comparative method
- Used official statistics to observe the patterns of suicide rates
- Findings: rates for protestants were higher than catholics
- This was a result of social facts of integration and regulation
- Eg: catholics were less likely to commit suicide due to being more successful in integrating individuals
- Real law: different levels of integration and regulation produce different rates of suicide
[📘] what Sociologists say sociology is not a science
- Interpretivists
- Weber, Mead, Douglas, Atkinson