Theories Flashcards
ABC Model
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy A- Activating Event B- Beliefs C- Consequence
Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy person replicates in themselves behaviors/attributes or other fragments from other people
Narrative Therapy mapping the problem and it’s influence in the client’s life and relationships
Name the 5 Systems Therapies
Bowen Family Therapy General Systems Theory Strategic Therapy Structural Family Therapy Satir/Communications Therapy
Theory of Change: Change occurs through restructuring the family’s organization.
Structural Family Therapy
Theory of Change: Change occurs by understanding multigenerational dynamics and differentiation
Bowen Family Therapy
Adversarial Transference
Self Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy need for a supportive relationship that the patient can oppose in order to grow
Pay, Humor & “Craziness”
Experiential/Symbolic Therapy finding solutions in creative interactions
Common Irrational Beliefs
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy help people explore common ______ beliefs to identify illogical beliefs and thinking patterns to overcome psychological problems and mental distress
Theory of Change: Change occurs by creating conditions for the client to grow through the therapeutic relationship with the presence of three essential components: 1. congruence/genuineness 2. unconditional positive regard 3. empathy
Client/Person-Centered Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy client faces stimuli slowly and in a safe space to overcome the negative associations/strong reactions
Cognitive Behavior Therapy rules/templates for information processing that are shaped by developmental influences and other life experiences
Theory of Change: Change occurs by increasing client’s self-awareness and challenging and modifying his or her fundamental premises, life goals, and basic concepts.
Adlerian Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy 1. View of Self 2. View of the World 3. View of Prospects for the Future
Theory of Change: Change happens through mindfulness, developing skills to manage distress tolerance and emotional regulation, and improving interpersonal problem solving skills. Emphasis on accepting uncomfortable thoughts instead of struggling with them.
Dialectic Behavior Therapy
Bowen Family Therapy assigning reading material
Theory of Change: Change occurs by helping the system view the family as the problem rather than an individual as the problem. The family system becomes the focal point of therapeutic interventions.
General Systems Theory
Self Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy empathetic or attuned caretakers
Lifestyle Assessment
Adlerian Therapy see what their social context & social interest levels are
Presupposing Change
Solution-Focused Therapy focus on the positive change that has been occurring
Theory of Change: Change occurs through exploring and integrating material from both unconscious and conscious levels of understanding. Unconscious processes include dreams, images, symptoms, intuitions and other non-volitional experiences.
Depth Psychology Therapy
Death is a basic human condition that gives significance to life.
Existential Therapy ______ is a basic human condition that gives significance to _______.
Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy ____ undesirable feelings onto someone else rather than admitting/dealing w them
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Sometimes other people will not treat me fairly
General Systems Theory same experience arrives at different feelings
First/Second Order Change
General Systems Theory changes happen in the family that may or may not have an effect (first does not , second does)
Battle for Structure
Experiential/Symbolic Therapy therapist establishes the rules and working atmosphere to engage family
Family Constellation
Adlerian Therapy exploration of family atmosphere
Strategic Therapy take on a more exaggerated/extreme view to help them see there is hope/ability to change
Theory of Change: Change occurs through insight and understanding early, unresolved issues.
Psychodynamic Theory
Nuclear Family Emotional System
Bowen Family Therapy four basic relationship patterns that govern where problem develops in family
Solution-Focused Therapy regularly acknowledge progress & strengths of client
Transforming Rules
Satir/Communications Therapy assisting clients to create more functional, less rigid guidelines
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Dialectic Behavioral Therapy assertive & communication skills training
Honoring the Pain
Existential Therapy help client see the pain as a way that lead to other opportunities/personal discoveries/growth
Activating Constructive Anxiety
Experiential/Symbolic Therapy reframing anxiety as efforts towards competence
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy I have both good and bad points
Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy contradictory states compartmenatlized
Theory of Change: Change happens through the existential encounter - the authentic meeting of therapist and the client in the present moment and by expanding the client’s range of experience.
Experiential/Symbolic Therapy
Writing a Letter
Narrative Therapy to self and others to reinforce new story
Structural Family Therapy blending with the family
Incongruent Communication
Satir/Communications Therapy discrepancies between verbal and non-verbal cues
Client/Person-Centered Therapy tendency of all humans to reach their full potential
Structural Family Therapy paying close attention to focus on how the family members interact w one another
Here & Now Focus
Gestalt Therapy the past is discussed in terms of how the past affects the present
Structural Family Therapy subgroup
Theory of Change: Change occurs through accessing client’s strengths and resources. Emphasizes finding solutions to a problem, not on discovering the cause or origins of the problem.
Solution-Focused Therapy
Theory of Change: Change occurs through action-oriented directives and paradoxical interventions.
Strategic Therapy
Theory of Change: Change occurs through increased awareness of here-and-now experience in a dialogic relationship.
Gestalt Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy client identify & restructures things to generate alternative healthy responses
Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy primary caregivers
Theory of Change: Change occurs through both reparative experiences within the treatment relationship and how new insight into and modification of entrenched object relations pathology.
Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy
Name the 6 Psychodynamic Therapies
Psychodynamic Theory Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy Self Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy Attachment-based Therapy Adlerian Therapy Depth Psychology Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy teach client self-soothing techniques
Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy process where projection of feelings/thoughts and the second person is changed by it
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Life does not always work out the way you want.
Can a strategic therapist assign homework?
yes to try to change the way the family functions
Theory of Change: Change occurs through empathic attunement and strengthening the self-structures through optimal responsiveness.
Self-Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy
Family Sculpting
Satir/Communications Therapy put people into a spatial metaphor - a physical representation of family members characterizations
Exception Questioning
Solution-Focused Therapy what has worked in the past - tell me about a time where the problem did not exist
Phenomenological Method
Gestalt Therapy “I see you tearing up” VS “I see you are sad”
Bowen Family Therapy not just a person it can be a thing
Labeling Distortions
Cognitive Behavior Therapy recognize and label particular distortions in thinking
Choice Theory
Reality Therapy this therapy is based on ______ theory which asserts that each of us is a self-determining being who can choose future behaviors and hold ourselves consciously responsible for how we are acting, thinking, feeling and our physiological states
Structural Family Therapy used to diagnose and tx plan - not shared with family
Depth Psychology Therapy collective unconscious
Scaling Questions
Solution-Focused Therapy rates their current position and asked to identify how they can move up or down the scale
Strategic Therapy therapist encourages/instructs the client to engage in or practice the symptom
Optimal Frustration
Self Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy when a self-object is needed but not accessible
Depth Psychology Therapy makes meaning possible
Negative/Positive Feedback
General Systems Theory behavioral reactions that either keep or help change family behaviors
Idealizing Transference
Self Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy patient looks up to and admires therapist
Strategic Therapy discourage change from happening too quickly
Coping Questions
Solution-Focused Therapy questions asked to illustrate resources that the client already has
Structural Family Therapy assess who/how the authority/control is held in family
Narrative Therapy separating the person from the problem
Social Constructivism
Narrative Therapy process to explore where the messages are coming from
Theory of Change: Change occurs by learning to modify dysfunctional thought patterns. Once the patient understands the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviors, s/he is able to modify or change the patterns of thinking to cope with stressors in a more positive manner.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Theory of Change: Change happens through self-awareness and improved communication.
Satir/Communications Therapy
Battle for Initiative
Experiential/Symbolic Therapy family states agenda and therapist waits for them to take initiative
Take Responsibility
Satir/Communications Therapy encouraging clients to take responsibility
Structural Family Therapy alignments against another family member
Deconstructive Questions
Narrative Therapy Qs that clarify meaning and help people unpack their stories
Styles of Communication
Satir/Communications Therapy rules that govern family interaction/function
Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy what creates defense mechanisms?
Theory of Change: Change occurs through finding philosophical meaning in the face of anxiety by choosing to think and act authentically and responsibly. The core question addressed in existential therapy is “how do I exist?” in the face of uncertainty, conflict, death.
Existential Therapy
Structural Family Therapy done in session to see problems play out
General Systems Theory family prefers current functioning VS change in the system
As free beings, everyone must accept the responsibility that comes with freedom.
Existential Therapy As ______ everyone must accept the _______ that comes with freedom.
Distress Tolerance
Dialectic Behavioral Therapy how to tolerate pain not change it
General Systems Theory arrive at same place from different experiences
Active Imagination
Depth Psychology Therapy heavy use of metaphors
Name the 2 Post-Modern Therapies
Narrative Therapy Solution-Focused Therapy
Everyone has 5 Needs
Reality Therapy Love/Belonging Power/Achievement Freedom Fun/Relaxation Survival
Object Relations Psychodynamic Therapy process of _____ basic attitudes towards self and others
Theory of Change: Change occurs through exploration of past and current relational attachments and trauma in the environment of a healing, secure, and reliable relationship.
Attachment-based Therapy
General Systems Theory family is treated as a whole not just each individual family member
Structural Family Therapy supporting someone who is in a one-down position, thus changing hierarchical position
Bowen Family Therapy acts as assessment and treatment tool to explore family dynamics
Client/Person-Centered Therapy therapist is genuine with client
Structural Family Therapy therapist tracks the family’s style of communication and uses it
Mastery/Pleasure Ratings
Cognitive Behavior Therapy explore initial beliefs/imagined & then experience the things and rate it again to see how the ratings compared
Emotional Cutoff
Bowen Family Therapy managing unresolved issues w ppl they have cut off
Anxiety is part of the human condition
Existential Therapy ________ is part of the human condition
Mirroring Transference
Self Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy patient seeks acceptance & confirmation
Dream Interpretation
Adlerian Therapy dreams are seen as a way of compensating for the shortcomings in life
Client/Person-Centered Therapy complete acceptance & non-judgmental respect
Mastering the emotional pain
Existential Therapy process of reflection that helps heal client
Theory of Change: Change occurs through identifying and meeting needs as well as developing satisfying interpersonal relationships.
Reality Therapy
Enlisting a Witness
Narrative Therapy invite someone to witness the re-authoring process
Bowen Family Therapy moving away from “group think” in family
Cognitive Behavior Therapy explore alternate thinking, explore how they got to their beliefs
Depth Psychology Therapy contain mythic/transpersonal/archetypal core that needs to be interpreted to create meaning of struggle
Structural Family Therapy how the family is organized
Name the 4 Humanistic/Existential Therapies
Client/Person-Centered Therapy Gestalt Therapy Existential Therapy Experiential/Symbolic Therapy
Client discovers his own life meaning.
Existential Therapy Client discovers his own _________.
Trial of Labor
Experiential/Symbolic Therapy exploration of family dynamics
Gestalt Therapy role play w people/things/feelings/symptoms
Theory of Change: Change occurs by separating patient from problem and creating a new narrative or story, which emphasizes the client’s competencies and strengths.
Narrative Therapy
General Systems Theory normal operation of family
Dialogical Relationship
Gestalt Therapy therapist’s presence allows for the client to become fully present.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy specify desires and needs using minimally effective responses to assert their position
Metaphors & Storytelling
Satir/Communications Therapy used to help clients understand their roles
Strategic Therapy encouraged to carry out harmless but unpleasant tasks whenever symptoms occur
Multigenerational Transmission Process
Bowen Family Therapy problems transpire over many generations
Cognitive Behavior Therapy client collects automatic thoughts and lists the situation in which the through occurred, the automatic thought, and the associated feelings
Early Recollection
Adlerian Therapy memories before age 10 used as assessment tool
Name the 4 Cognitive Behavior Therapies
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Dialectic Behavior Therapy Reality Therapy
General Systems Theory concept to help understand each member of family has an impact on the whole feeling of family
Self Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy therapist imagines what it is like to the be client
Miracle Question
Solution-Focused Therapy “What would be different that will tell you a miracle has happened and you problem has been resolved?”
Attachment Behavior System
Attachment-based therapy Secure Attachment Preoccupied/Anxious Attachment Dismissive/Avoidant Attachment Fearful/Avoidant Attachment
Downward Arrow
Cognitive Behavior Therapy used to uncover underlying assumptions
Satir/Communications Therapy gathering as much info as possible - what family has been through and how those events impact the family and how these things are carried out presently
Strategic Therapy apparent contradictions to shift power & control
Adlerian Therapy seen as a motivating force
Family Projection Process
Bowen Family Therapy parents transmit their emotional problems to child
Shadow Material
Depth Psychology Therapy repression of unwanted parts of the self
Twinship Transference
Self Psychology Psychodynamic Therapy patient experiences the therapist as someone like himself
Theory of Change: Change occurs through changing irrational beliefs to rational beliefs, which improves client’s emotional and behavioral functioning.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy pairs relaxation with exposure to something stressful
Gestalt Therapy experience things rather than talk about them
Locus of Control
Client/Person-Centered Therapy help clients take control of their lives
Boundary Making
Structural Family Therapy done within enactments to set up a rule/change dynamic