THEORIES Flashcards
What is Gessel’s maturation theory?
- Studied children’s biological maturation.
- Observed large number of children to find abilities most children share in certain age groups-to find milestones.
- Noted each child goes through sequence at own pace.
- Development was predetermined and environment has little influence.
- If child experiences delayed development then it is hereditary rather than environmental.
What do the critics say about Gessel’s theory?
-Not helpful in explaining individual or cultural differences for children with learning difficulties.
What was Rosenthal and Doherty’s theory?
- 1984
- Children who are in rivalry with sibling have been bullied by primary caregiver.
- Behave like this to try and gain sense of control and power in the house where they feel powerless.
- Parents/caregiver responsible for deliberately causing sibling conflicts and encouraging competition.
What did Piaget and Erikson think about family dysfunction?
- Result of a lack of education and inadequate role modelling.
- E.g. parenting style, mental health issues, neglect and abuse etc.
What is the Holmes-Rahe scale?
- Rate and measure stress caused by life events.
- Identifies 43 life events with a different score.
- Asked individuals to score how events they’ve experienced affect their stress levels.
- The higher the score, the more likely individual was to become unwell.
What did the critics say about the Holmes-Rahe scale?
- Each individual is unique and and deals with stress factor differently, but Holmes and Rahe assumed everyone deals the same way.
- E.g. divorce they believed everyone would act the same way but… PERSON A=happy, relieved and PERSON B= upset, hard to cope.
What is the social disengagement theory?
- Withdrawing from involvement.
- Cummings and Henry (1961)-older people naturally withdraw from social involvement as they get older.
- Found older people have restricted opportunities to interact with others.
What factors affect social disengagement?
- Ill health=poor mobility, poor vision and hearing make interactions more difficult.
- Geographical mobility=moving away from friends and family.
- Retirement=less contact with people.
- Ill health of family and friends=visit and contact less.
What did Cummings say about the social disengagement theory?
- Older people experience reduced social contact and become less concerned with expectations.
- She concluded this is appropriate and healthy behaviour and it is part of ageing.
What did Bromley say about the social disengagement theory?
- Argued older people need to disengage to remain active in order to prevent disengagement going too far
- Providing facilities was not enough.
- People need to be shown how to use them and encouraged not to have a negative attitude.
What do the critics say about the social disengagement theory?
- Statistically less evidence to support it.
- Majority of older people remain socially active and involved with family and friends.
- Many rather spend time with people they feel close to rather than making new friends.
Why might Henry and Cummings theory be outdated?
- Internet.
- Mobile phones.
- Car/transport access.
What is the activity theory?
- Havinghurst (1960’s) took an ill health study of older people.
- Found rather than the inevitable decline in interest in life and isolation, older people tend to adjust to the ageing process.
What did Havinghurst state about older people?
- Adults are happiest when they stay active and maintain social interactions.
- Older people can be satisfied by taking on new roles following retirement. E.g. charity work or learn a new skill.
- When people remain physically and socially active their overall satisfaction and well being is increased.
- Theory is important for reducing risk of illness and increasing longevity.
What is Bandura’s social learning theory?
- Learning behaviour through observing and imitating.
- Child decides whether to imitate the behaviour according to positive or negative reinforcement.
- Used the Bobo doll experiment.
What are the 4 principles of Bandura’s social learning?
- ATTENTION; focusing on the model.
- RETENTION; observed behaviour is retained in memory.
- REPRODUCTION; behaviour is imitated.
- MOTIVATION; repeat or stop behaviour due to consequence or reward.