Theories Flashcards
Solution Focused Therapy
What are the tx goals of SF tx?
Implement small and lg changes to achieve their future goals using current strengths and resources
Solution focused
Common interventions with SF tx?
- Exception questions
- Miracle Questions
- Scaling questions
- Pre-supposing change
- Coping questions
- Affirmations and compliments
What is the beginning phase of tx for SF tx?
find strengths, evision future, goals
solution focused
What is the end of SF tx?
help them find things they can do to continue their positive changes, identify hurdles/barrier in the future and plan for them
solution focused
What is the middle phase tx for SF?
identify resources and traits they already use to solve problems, exceptions to the problem, scaling questions, provide positive feedback to clt
What is the role of a psychodynamic therapist?
establishing holding environment to develop a secure attachment. nondirective role
What is the beginning phase of tx for psychodynamic?
Establishing holding environment, building rapport, exploring clt’s experience, empathy, interpretation, maintaining neutrality
What is the middle phase of tx for psychodynamic?
promoting insight and growth, increasing individuation, work thru termination and abandonment issues
End phase of psychodynamic
Clts are ready to terminate when they put new insights into action
psychodynamic tx goals
psychodynamic tx goals
uncovering and interpreting unconscious impulses and defenses. including relationships, attachmemts, and how they are projected onto current relationships
helping clt understanding the influence the past has on present
enhance self esteem
Allow them to access painful feelings/memories in safety to resolve inner conflict
psychodynamic interventions
Observe and reflect clt bringing past issues into therapeutic relationship
avoid being brought into countertransference maladative patterns
interpreting transference
object relations
OR tx goals
providing reparative experiences
gaining insight into past relationships impacting fx
improving relationships with self and others
object relations
when two contradictory states (love and hate) are compartmentalized and not integrated
The concept of splitting
object relations
The process in which a person will project a thought or belief that they have onto a second person. The secondary person is then changed by the projection and begins to behave as tho they are actually charcterized by those thoughts or beliefs that were projected
projective identifcation
General system theory
What is the role of the therapist in general systems theory
Help the family explore:
belief systems and values
rules and roles
family hiearchy
defense mechanisms
general systems theory
Main concepts to remember in general systems
- people seek homeostasis and resist change, often using negative feedback loops
- wholeness: the idea that all of the units combined are greater than the sum of the parts, individuals and their interactions have an effect on the system as a whole
- First order changes: surface level, bx based, don’t change much
- second order changes: deeply affect the rules and systems of the organization
systems theory
tx goals for system theory
- move to equilibrium
- healthier interactions
- challenging beliefs
- individuals understand their roles in any given dynamic
- increase empathy among inidividuals in unit
- correcting problematic feedback loops
systems theory
common interventions for systems theory
- observe feedback loops
- exploring family rules, values, heirachy, expectations
- reframe issues from one person to the whole family
- explore each person’s role in the dynamic
- challenge communication patterns
What the the main point of bowen’s theory?
change occurs thru understanding multignerational dynamics and diffentiation
tx goals for bowen
- reduce anxiety and emotional turmoil
- self-differentiation
- improve communcation skills
- decrease reoccurence of dysfunctional patterns
- reduce emotional reactivity
- facilitate detriangulation
Key concepts for bowen
- triangles
- differentiation of individuals
- multigenerational transmission process
- fixing emotional cutoffs
- genograms
- interrupting arguments
- teaching i statements
- bibliotherapy
beginning phase for bowen
genogram, assess individuals differentiation/triangualtion, patterns massed down multi-generationally
middle phase bowen
teach and model differentiation thru communcation skills building, de-triagulation, reunitification, responsibility taking for thoughts and feelings
end phase bowen
family can review skills and knowledge gained in therapy
theory of change in strategic
change occurs thru action oriented directives and paradoxical interventions
tx goals for strategic
- solve presenting issue
- change dysfunctional patterns of interaction