Theories Flashcards
Achievement goal theory
This involves two types of goals task oriented goal and outcome oriented goals
Task- also know as mastery goals are based on the outcome of the situation and compare your performance to previous ones. Also are more in control of this goal increasing motivation more associated with growth mindset
Outcome- also known as competitive compare yourself to others and usually the goal to win a trophy. This can keep you persistent at a goal but also becomes very discouraging as not 100% in control of the outcome. More associated with fixed mindset
Need achievement theory
This states their are two categories every NACH (Need to achieve) or NAF (Need to avoid failure)
NACH- prefer competition against worthy opponents. athletes strive for success when things go wrong they try again they compare themselves to others less and set more mastery goals usually with a growth mindset.
NAF- will prefer to play against ever weaker or to good to beat opponents have more of a fixed mindset and set more competitive goals
Weiners attribution theory
Attribution in sport investigate what athletes attribute to success and failure. There are 3 factors
Stability- is it stable or unstable “I was more able then my opponent” (stable) “I just got lucky” (unstable)
Causality- does the reason come internal or external factors
“I didn’t try hard enough” (internal) “My opponent was impossible to beat” (external)
Control- is it in the performers control or not “I didn’t train hard enough for this fight” (performers control) “My opponent was fitter then me” (not in control)
If it is stable internal factors and in their control they are more likely to be motivated and confident.
Self dermination theory
This states that their are three main things that keep an athlete determined
Competence- our perception that we can successfully complete a task
Autonomy- our perception that we have a choice
Relatedness- our perception that we are connected to others
If an athlete has all three of these they will be more intrinsically motivated
Vealey’s multidimensional mode of self confidence
This states their are four components that effect self confidence
Constructs of self confidence- E.G differ skills like decision making
Sources of self confidence- things like developing skill and evidence
Consequences of self confidence- if they have a more positive or negative attitude which determines how hard they will try and keep improving.
Factors influencing confidence- personality like enthusiasm or optimism
Frustration aggression theory
This states that aggression comes from frustration and is always before aggression if the frustration is not controlled
Intrinsic theory
This states that their is intrinsic aggression built up that can be realised through things like sport
Multidimensional theory
This states that cognitive and somatic anxiety have two different effects on performance.
Cognitive anxiety thought to decrease performance
Somatic anxiety thought to enhance performance
Social learning theory
This states that we learn through seeing others do it usually in childhood this is for many factors like anxiety, aggression and even mindset
Individual zones of optimal functioning
This states that every individual has a different optimal zones where their arousal levels cause optimal performance.
This could be depending on. Personality or type of sport.
Like a golfer would want a low arousal while a boxer would want a higher arousal
Catastrophe theory
This expands on the inverted U theory that there is an optimal zone for arousal and performance. Except when arousal and cognitive anxiety levels become too high high their will be a catastrophic drop in performance
Inverted U hypothesis
This states that performance levels will be at optimal performance when aroual are at moderate levels and after it will drop back down creating a U
Drive theory
This states that arousal levels and performance levels are linear so when one increases so does the other
Reversal theory
Suggest that their perception of anxiety is what cause an ever good or bad performance as if they perceive the anxiety as good they will be more likely to enhance performance.
Dweck theory
States their are ever fixed or growth mindset
Fixed mindset see personal qualities if they are set in stone usually believing they have no talent they feel like they need to prove themselves to others and care a lot of what they think
Growth mindset see failure as a challenge they know they can change and grow. They also thrive during challenge or adversity
Tuckman stages of group development
Forming- group is formed and familiarises with each other, trying to decide if they belong
Storming- conflict begins to occur between individuals. They start to question others positions
Norming- conflict replaced by cooperation. Members of the groups star to work towards a common goal (task cohesion)
Performing- the progresses effectively as a unit. Work without conflict towards common goals
Chellladurai multidimensional model of sport leadership
This suggest what the leaders behaviour will be
The things that cause any behaviour is the situation, the leader and team members. These all cause a type of behaviour to occur
Required behaviour- this is determined by the situation the leader was in E.G. working with kids
Preferred behaviour- this is determined by the people in the group. Skill, personality, age, gender
Actual behaviour- this is determined by the characteristics of the leader and situational factors
Banduras self efficacy theory
This states that 4 thing can create self efficacy
Performance accomplishment- if recent performances have gone well
Vicarious experience- when they see someone similar to them (age, skill) perform a skill successfully
Verbal persuasion- when someone of importance tell them they can do it.
Emotional arousal- how they feel prior to competition
This all creates efficacy experience (how an athlete thinks they will perform) which will decide athletic performance
The ringlemann effect
This states that as group size increases an individual effort and productivity in the group decreases. This is because people become less accountable of their own performance
Carrons conceptual model of cohesion
States there are 4 factors that affect team cohesion
Environmental factors- groups who live closer to each other are me cohesive. As members have greater opportunity to interact and form relationships.
Personal factors- if individual are similar like having the same goals , opinions, backgrounds. This make more satisfaction and group cohesion among members
Leadership factors- a leader style behaviour personality and how similar they are to the group will effect cohesion
Team factors- this is makes the team factors which is if they will stay together for long, experience success and failure together and can be involved in decision making process.
This is creates cohesion which leads to group and individual outcomes.
Visual in imagery
You concentrate on different thing that you can see when you are using imagery. Ever be internal or external perspective
Auditory in imagery
You concentrate on different thing you can hear in the imagery
Kinaesthetic in imagery
You concentrate on different things that you can feel like movement