Theology Exam Study Flashcards
What is meant by Systematic Theology?
What the whole Bible says about a certain topic
What are the divisions of Systematic Theology?
- Bibliology: Scripture
- Theology: God
- Anthropology: Man
- Christology: Christ
- Pneumotology: HS
- Soteriology: Salvation
- Ecclesiology: The Church
- Eschatology: The last things
What is Reformed Theology?
It is a school of orthodox, historic, confessional Christianity, in which the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, God’s Grace in salvation, and covenant theology are emphasized
What is Covenant Theology?
The concept that “covenant” is the over-arching, organizing principle of Scripture.
- Articulated in the Reformation
- Formally documented in the WCF
- Two main covenants
- Six manifestations with signs and seals
Why is Covenant Theology important?
- It’s a way of understanding how God relates to mankind
- It sees the Bible as telling one story
Define and Defend the covenants in Scripture
-Covenant of works: Gen.2.16 (eat of every tree but one)
-Covenant of grace:
Adamic: Gen.3.15 (bruise head, heel)
Noah: Gen.8.20-9
Abrahamic: Gen.12, 15, 17
Mosaic: Ex.19-24
David: 2 Sam.7
New: Jer.31.31-34
List and explain the 5 points of Calvinism
- Total Depravity: outside of the HS, totally unable to come to God, save himself, “or prepare himself thereunto”
- Unconditional Election: God sovereign chose before the foundation of the world; Election not based on foreseen faith
- Limited Atonement (Particular Redemption): X came to save those the Father gave him. Cross is sufficient for all, but effectual for the elect.
- Irresistible Grace: The HS gives life, removes the hardness of heart so that there is freedom to respond
- Perseverance of the Saints: The truly converted will persevere, enable by God’s grace in the power of the HS
Proof texts for the 5 points of Calvinism
T - Rom.3.23 (All have sinned and fall short)
T - Eph.2.1 (Dead in xgressions and sins)
U - Eph.1.4 (Chosen before the foundation of the world)
U - Rom.8.29-30 (those whom God foreknew, these he predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.)
L - Matt.1.21 (..Jesus, for he will saves his people from their sins)
L - Eph.5.25 (Christ gave himself up for her/the church)
I - John 6.37 (All the Father gives me will come to me)
I - John 12.32 (When I am lifted up, I will draw all men to myself)
P - Rom.8.29-30 (..foreknew, predestined, called, justified, glorified)
P - Phil.1.6 (He who began a good work..faithful to complete it)
What is General Revelation?
The truth about God available to everyone through nature
What is Special Revelation?
The truth about God available only in Scripture (and un-included prophetic words b4 the canon was closed - Jesus and the prophets)
What is the Canon? Defend it Scripturally
- Canon: rule, measure, standard
- It is self-attesting, determined by the books themselves
1. Providential Exposure
- church cannot authenticate books it does not have
- lost books are not relevant
2. Attributes of Canonicity are
- Divine qualities
- Corporate reception
- Apostolic origins - OT canon confirmed by X (Matt.5.17)
- Peter understands Paul to be writing Scripture (2.Pet.3.15-16)
- Rev.22.18-19 - Don’t add or subtract
Define and defend the “Inspiration” of Scripture
- God’s special revelation is a product of God’s direct intellectual superintending of the men who wrote it
- Plenary (absolute) verbal inspiration - all is God’s word and words
- 2 Tim.3.16 All scripture is God-breathed
- Heb.1.1-2 Long ago God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, in the this last days his Son
- 2 Pet.1.21 - prophecy not by the will of spoke from God as they were carried along by the HS
Define and defend the Necessity of Scripture
- Scripture is necessary fro knowing the gospel and will of God
- Rom.10.17 Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ
- 2 Tim.3.15 Able to make wise
Define and defend the Authority of Scripture
Scripture is the very word of God and must be obeyed
- 1 Thess.4.8 Disregard this (Paul’s writing) = disregard God
- 2 Tim.3.16-17 God-breathed
Define and defend the Sufficiency of Scripture
Scripture is complete, containing all that is needed for God’s glory and man’s salvation, faith, life
-2 Tim.3.16-17
Rev.22 Warning (it’s all that is given/needed)
Define and defend the Perspicuity (clarity) of Scripture
What is necessary for salvation can be understood by diligent use of ordinary means
- Ps.119.130 your words..impart understanding to the simple
- 2 Tim.3.15 able to make wise
Define and defend the Inerrancy of Scripture
- the Bible is free from error
- Doesn’t present anything contrary to fact
- Heb.6.18 God doesn’t lie
- John 10.35 Scripture cannot be broken
- John 17.17 Thy word is truth
What is a distinctive about the Reformed interpretation of Scripture?
- Continuity between OT and NT
- The individual believer can understand without the aid of a priest
What principles should guide our interpretation of Scripture?
- Scripture is the only infallible rule of interpretation
- Less clear passages should be interpreted in light of more clear ones
What do the Scriptures principally teach?
What man is to believe about God and what duty God requires of man
What is God?
God is a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, goodness, and truth
Briefly explain and defend the doctrine of the Trinity
-Three persons in the Godhead, TH, X, God, the same substance, equal in power and glory
-There is one God
Deut.6.4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.
Isa.45.5 I am the LORD, there is no other
-TH plans the work of redemption, creation, and providence, and representing the Trinity in the council of redemption
-X mediated the work of creation, and mediates the work of redemption
-HS brings things to completion both in creation and redemption
Matt.28.19 ..baptizing them..TH, X, HS
2 Cor.13.14 the grace of X and the love of TH and the fship of the HS be with you
John 15.26 (X) will send the helper (HS) who proceeds from the TH
Which are God’s incommunicable attributes?
-Self-existence (Aseity, latin: from self)
John 5.26 the Father has life in himself
Ex.3.14 I AM WHO I AM
Ps.102 They will perish, but you will remain…you are the same
-Infinity - free from all limitations
1 Kings 8.27 Heaven cannot contain you
Isa.66.1 Heaven is my throne and earth my footstool
-Unity of God - he is numerically one
Isa.45.5 I am the LORD, and there is no other God
Which are God’s communicable attributes?
come back
What are the decrees of God?
His eternal plan based on the purpose of his will, by which, for his own glory, he has foreordained everything that happens
What is the difference between infralapsarianism and supralapsarianism?
They referred to the logical order of God’s decrees in creation
- Infra: election after the fall
- supra: election before the fall
What is Amyraldianism?
Moses Amyraut of the Saumur Academy
- Unlimited atonement
- 4 point Calvinism
How does God execute his decrees?
In creation and providence
What is God’s work of creation?
God’s making everything out of nothing by the power of his word, in six days, and all very good
Briefly discuss the length of days of creation
Calendar day interpretation:
-eve/morn suggests 24 hours
-Moses: “in 6 days the LORD your God created heaven and earth
-Genesis is a narrative
-sense of “in that day” as in Isa.11.10-11
-First creation account written in a stylized way
-“week” is a metaphor
-topical, not chronological account
-days 1-3 creation’s kingdoms, 4-6 creation’s kings
-setting a pattern of our rest and work
-“days” are God’s work days
-supernatural activity preparing the earth for man
Evaluate biblically the theory of evolution
- God deliberately created things “according to their kinds”
- Scripture indicates an ordered, not random process
- Man is not an accident of nature
- Man is created in the image of God
- Scripture describes an immediate response to God’s creative word
What is God’s work of providence?
His completely, holy, wide and powerful preserving of every creature and every action
-Eph.1.11 out all things in conformity with the counsel of his will
What is a miracle?
When God works without, above or against the normal means of his providence
Do miracles occur today?
Yes, but now that the establishment of special revelation has ceased, he no longer grants miracle working power to human beings
Is God responsible for sin?
Jas.1.13 don’t say you are being tempted by God
1 John 1.5 God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all
Did God decree sin?
Gen.50.20 You meant it for evil, God meant it for good
Acts 2.23 Christ crucified according to God’s plan
Did God permit sin?
Yes. Nothing takes place in the universe without his permission
Job 1-2
Who is the ultimate cause of all things?
God, for his own glory, who has foreordained all that happens
What is theodicy?
God’s goodness in the face of evil (not necessarily WHY it happens)
If God is good and all-powerful, what about evil and bad things happening?
The fall brought sin, destruction, death, sickness, and a resistant world
- Rom.8.20 For the creation was subjected to futility
- Rev.21.4 God will wipe away every tear from their eyes
Discuss the biblical teaching on predestination, election, reprobation
Predestination: the counsel of God in which in his special grace he sovereignly elects some for eternal salvation
Reprobation: God passes by some and justly punishes them for their sins
Rom.9.11 though they were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad..not because of works, but because of him who calls
Ex.33.19 / Rom.9.15 I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy
Distinguish the Reformed and Arminian positions of predestination, election, reprobation
- Arminians do not accept absolute predestination
- Arminians support conditional election
- Reformed response: John 1.13 ..born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
Are the doctrines of predestination, election, reprobation compatible with belief in real human choice and responsibility?
Scripture affirms both the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man.
- Acts 2 (repent, save yourselves, this promise if for you),
- 1 Kings 22m (Ahab and the random arrow)
What should be some practical results of believing the doctrine of election?
- Marvel at being a vessel of mercy, not wrath
- Humility knowing our election had nothing to do with us
- Confidence in God’s love, that we can’t lose it
- Confidence in evangelism
- Worship!
I there a real, personal devil?
- Gen.3 - the serpent speaks and is spoken to
- Job 1 - the Devil’s audience with God
- Matt.4 - Devi’s conversation with Jesus
What is the chief end of man?
To glorify God and to enjoy him forever
What does God require of man?
Obedience to his revealed will
1 Cor.10.31 all to the glory of God
What does the Bible teach about the creation of human beings?
- Special act on the sixth day of creation
- Created in God’s image
- Given dominion over every aspect of creation
In what way is a man in the image of God?
- Knowledge
- Righteousness
- True holiness
- A person
- A sense of self
- A moral sense
Are all men in the image of God? If so, to what extent?
- After the fall, the image of God is distorted but not destroyed (Gen.9.6)
- Partially restored in conversion and sanctification (Rom.8)
- Fully restored in the consummation (1 John 3.2 ..we shall be like him)
How does the doctrine of the image of God influence debates about gender roles?
Like the Trinity - ontological equality but economic diversity of roles
Where did man’s soul come from?
Three options:
- Preexistence - no biblical evidence
- Creationism - God creates at conception
- Traducianism - inherited life force from parents
What is sin?
Any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God
- Lawlessness - 1 John 3.4 Practice of sinning/lawlessness
- Omission - James 4.17 (Know but don’t do)
- Commission - Gen.2.16
Discuss guilt of sin and the corruption of sin
- Guilt of sin: Judicially we share the guilt of Adam’s first sin (Rom.5.12 ff)
- Corruption of sin: Morally we are born into a sinful state resulting in sinful acts
Define and discuss original sin
The effects of Adam’s sin on the lives of all his descendants
Rom.5 “All guilty in Adam”
1 Cor.15 “In Adam all die”
How can original sin be reconciled to the canons of justice, either human or divine?
- The covenant was made with Adam and all his descendants, therefore Adam’s sin was the transgression of all men
- To reject the original sin of the first Adam is to reject the righteousness of the Second Adam
Is there any good remaining in a fallen, sinful man?
-Yes - relative human good (husbands, employees, etc)
-No - Good before God
Rom.14.23 Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin
Heb.11.6 Impossible to please God without faith
In what ways does man sin?
- Share in Adam’s sin
- Lack original righteousness
- Don’t do what we should do
- Do what we shouldn’t do
What are some consequences of sin?
- Lost communion with God
- Under God’s wrath and curse
- All miseries in this life
- Death
- Pains of death and hell forever
Is the will of man free?
Free: yes
Moral ability apart from Christ: No
-Man is free to act constantly with his nature, but apart from Christ he is in bondage to sin
-Jer.17.9 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked
-Titus 1.16 ..detestable, an disobedient, worthless for doin anything good
Was Adam’s will free before he sinned?
Yes, Adam was able not not to sin
Is a sinner’s will free to believe?
-Not without the regeneration of the HS
-Not able not to sin
John 6.44 No one can come too me (Jesus) unless the Father who sent me draws him
1 Cor.214 The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God..not able
Does a believer have free will?
Yes, as the Father enables him
Rom.6.18 You have been set free from sin
What is a covenant?
-A bond in blood sovereignly administered
-God’s covenant with man: voluntary condescension
What is the Covenant of Works? Who are its parties?
- In Gen.2.16 God gives Adam permission to eat of everything, forbids him to eat of the tree of knowledge f good and evil
- Parties: God and Adam, with Adam as federal head of all descendants
Is there a present validity to the Covenant of Works?
Yes. Christ has kept it on our behalf
What is the Covenant of Redemption? Who are its parties?
Before the foundation of the world, TH Covenanted with X to give him a people for himself; X agreed to pay for sins, HS agreed to apply redemption purchased by X
Discuss the Covenant of Grace
- Gracious - God had no obligation, and his word is the insurance of its validity
- Trinitarian - TH elects, X accomplishes, HS applies effectually
- Eternal - cannot be broken
- Particular - only effectual for the elect; not universal in scope
- One covenant of grace with various administrations, culminating in X
How is the Covenant of Grace related to the Abrahamic Covenant? The Mosaic? Noahic?
-Each is a new stage in the progressive unfolding of one Covenant, builds upon; doesn’t replace
-Abrahamic - Gen.12, 15, 17
Seed will crush the serpent’s head through Abram’s line
Abram father of many nations, blessed by God, inherit
land, blessings to all peoples
-Mosaic - Ex.20
Establishment of God’s law
God gives law to his people, marks them out for
obedience, disciplines for disobedience
-Noahic - Gen.9
Life given through the ark
Earth will not be destroyed again
Discuss the relationship between the Old and New covenants
-One covenant with different dispensations
Gal.3.14 In X the blessing of Abraham comes to the Gentiles
-The New Covenant is the fulfillment and replacement of the Old
Explain and defend with Scripture proofs the orthodox doctrine of the person of Christ
One persons in two distinct natures
- Fully God - John 1 The Word was God
- Fully Man - John 1 The Word became flesh
- Fully God and fully man united - Col.2.9 In him the fullness of deity dwells
Briefly discuss the natures of Christ, including: Was Christ a human person?
X took to himself a true body and a reasonable soul, being conceived by the power of the HS in the womb of the Virgin Mary and born of her, yet without sin
Was Christ a human person?
Heb.2.17 He was made like his brothers in every way
Does Christ have a soul?
Matt.26.38 My should is exceedingly sorrowful
What is Kenosis?
- A heresy that believe X emptied himself of some of his divine attributes
- An improper view of Phil.2.5-11
Did Christ lay aside his divine attributes at the incarnation?
Col.29 In X, all the fullness of deity dwells
Defend against Docetism
Falsely state that X only took on the appearance of humanity
1 Cor.15 (Our resurrection depends on X’s own)
Defend against Arianism
Falsely stated that X is a
-created being
-not eternal
John 1 In the beginning was the Word..all things were made through him
Defend against Nestorianism
Falsely stated that X is divided into two persons, human and divine
Defend against Apollinarianism
Falsely stated that X was not had a human body but a divine mind
John 1.14 The Word became flesh and dwelled among us
Defend against Eutchyes
Falsely stated that
- X had only one nature
- The human nature was absorbed into the Divine
No hope for humans! No true representative
Are any of these early heresies about the nature of Christ held to today?
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons - Christ created, not eternal
Explain and defend the doctrine of the “Communication of Properties”
The properties of the human and divine natures of X are now the properties of the the person, therefore are ascribed to the person.
Acts 20 “Church of God, obtained by blood”
both divine and human properties
Define the name of Jesus
Yahweh saves
Define the name of the Son of Man
- X’s favorite distinction for himself
- Daniel 7
- Figure with the Ancient of Days
- Given and everlasting Kingdom
Define the name of Christ
- The anointed one of God
- Messiah
- An office
Define the name of the Son of God
Jesus’ unique reality as the second member of the Trinity
Define the following name: Lord
NT designation for Christ as Yahweh
Definite following name: Lamb of God
Final sacrifice for sin
How was Christ born?
As a true human of a virgin mother
Explain and defend the virgin birth
- Isa.7.14 “a virgin shall conceive”
- Luke 1 Mary was promised to have a child conceived by the HS
Trace the revelation of the person and work of Christ from the beginning of the OT
- Gen.3.15 Crush the head of the serpent
- Num.24.17 A star with come from out of Jacob
- 2 Sam.7.12-17 A descendent of David will reign over TH’s People
- Psalm 110.4 Priest in the order of Melchizedek
- Isa.53 Sufferering Servant
- Jer.31.3 I will make a new covenant
- Micah 5.2 Ruler will come from Bethlehem
- Zech.6.12 Branch shall build temple
- Mal.3.1 Messenger will prepare the way
What is the humiliation of Christ?
Condescending to be like us:
- born in human form
- born into poverty
- submitting to the law
- miseries of this life
- cursed by death on a cross
- continued under power of death for a time
Define and distinguish the active and passive obedience of Christ
Active - he fulfills the stipulations of the moral law in perfect obedience
Rom.5.19 the one man’s obedience many will be made righteous
Passive - He willingly underwent the curses of the law for our sakes
Gal.3.13 ..X redeemed us from the curse by becoming a curse for us..
What happened in the resurrection of Christ?
Christ bodily rose from the dead on the third day
John 20
Discuss the “glorified body”
- Christ’s resurrected state in which the body is animated and guided wholly by the HS
- It is free from sinful inclinations, imperishable from sickness and decay, glorious and powerful
- 1 Cor.15
Can anyone become perfect (completely sanctified) in this life?
-imperfect in this life
-remnants of corruption remain
What are the offices of Christ?
- Prophet - Christ reveals the will of God to us for our salvation by his word and Spirit
- Priest - Christ offered himself up once as a sacrifice for us to satisfy divine justice and to reconcile us to God, and he continually intercedes for us; he is both mediator and sacrifice
- King - Christ brings us under his power, rule, and defends us, and restrains and conquers all his and all our enemies
Who is the only redeemer of God’s elect?
Jesus Christ
What is a redeemer?
Someone who buys back another from slavery or bondage
What is the atonement?
-X’s sacrificial death on behalf of his people
-He died my death and paid my debt
Was the atonement necessary?
- God could have left all to perish, but because he intended to save some, atonement was necessary
- Atonement is the only way sinful humans could be restored to relationship with a holy God
Why isn’t a good life enough to gain salvation?
-We’re born in sin
-No one’s life is good enough
-Even seemingly good works are sinful
Rom.14.23 Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin
Define expiation
Removal of sin
Define propitiation
Satisfaction of God’s wrath
Define reconciliation
Restoring alienated people back into fellowship
Define redemption
Rescue by payment
Define imputation
- To charge to someone’s account
- Christ’s righteousness imputed to believers
- Our sin imputed to Christ
What is the nature of the atonement? Discuss “penal substitutionary atonement”
-Our guilt is taken by Christ
-God’s wrath is poured out on Christ
-Our guilt is paid for
-Christ’s righteousness is given to us
Gal.3.13 by becoming a curse for us Christ has redeemed us
What of Christ’s remains to be done?
-Continued exercise of the offices of Prophet, Priest and King
-Christ’s return and consummation
Heb.9.28 X will appear a second save those who are waiting for him
Were there OT believers?
John 8.56 Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day
1 Cor.10.4 (Israel) drank from the spiritual Rock..the Rock was Christ
Will any for whom Christ died be lost?
John 10.28 No one will snatch them out of my hand
Rom.8.29-30 (God’s unbreakable chain)
What is the order salutis (order of salvation)?
Eph.1.4 chose us in X before the foundation of the world
Effectual Calling
John 6.37 All that the Father gives me will come to me
John 3.3 No one can see the kingdom unless born again
Acts 3.16,19 faith that is through X; repent therefore
Gal.2.16 justified by faith in Christ
Gal.4.5 Redeemed so that we would be adopted as sons
Col.3.10 put on the new self which is being renewed
Phil.1.6 he who began will complete
1 Cor.15.35-58 transformed into bodies that will never die
All done in Union with X
How would you explain the plan of salvation to an unbeliever?
God is Creator - we’re accountable
God has given commands - shows we’ve broken them all
God promises wrath against sin
God has made a way to escape wrath - punished another
Repent and believe
God then makes you his child
Christ will come again and you’ll be with him forever
Define and defend the doctrine of Effectual Calling
God calls those he has predestined by his Word and Spirit from a state of sin to grace and salvation in X
John 6.44 TH draws to X
On what is God’s decision to call a certain person based?
The secret council of his will–a sovereign choice
Rom.9.11 not because of works but because of him who calls
Eph.2.4-5 because of his great love for us
How can infants be called?
Elect infants are regenerated and saved by X through the HS
The same is true for those mentally unable to understand the outward call
2 Sam.12.23 (David, of his son) I will go to him
Can anyone not called by the Spirit be saved?
Matt.7.21-23 No one saved unless drawn by the TH through the HS
Rom.8.9 No one saved without the Spirit of X
Is Jesus really the only way of salvation?
John 14.6 No one comes to the Father but by me
Acts 4.12 No other name by which we may be saved
What about those who never had a chance to hear about Jesus?
They are condemned on the basis of revelation they have received
Ps.19 The heavens’s heard
Rom.1.20 All men are without excuse
What about those who are sincere in their faith in other gods?
1 John 2.23 No one who denies the Son has the Father
Define and defend the doctrine of Justification
God pardons our sins, accepts us righteous because of the righteousness of X
Rom.3.23-24 for all have sinned..and are justified by his grace as a gift..through the redemption of X
Gal.2.16 a person is not justified by the law, but through faith in X
What is the basis of justification?
God’s free grace through the work of X
Explain this statement: Faith alone saves, but saving faith is never alone.
Salvation is by faith alone, but true saving faith will produce good fruit.
Jas.2.17 Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead
When is a Christian justified?
Upon conversion
Rom.8.1-2 now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus
How were believers justified under the old covenant?
By faith in the promises of God
Gen.15, Rom.4 Abraham was saved by grace though faith in God’s promises
What happens when a Christian sins after being justified?
-God continues to forgive them, they can never fall from justification
-They may fall under God’s Fatherly displeasure and discipline
1 Cor.11.32 disciplined that we may not be condemned
Heb.12.6 God disciplines those he loves
Can anyone be perfect in this life?
Rom.7 battle with sin is ongoing in this life
Matt.6.12 forgive us our trespasses
Define and defend the doctrine of Adoption
We are counted as God’s children and given all those privileges because of our Union with Christ
Gal.4.4 Christ redeemed us so that we could become adopted as children of God
Rom.8.17-19 the Spirit tells us we’re children of God
Define and defend the doctrine of Sanctification
-A work, not an act
-A process, not an event
-The process of being renewed in the image of God, enabled to fight sin and obey God
Rom.8 able to live according to the Spirit
What is saving faith?
“Accepting, receiving and resting” on X alone for salvation
John 1.12 But to all who did receive him who believed in his name, he have the right to become children of God
John 3.16 whoever believes in him shall not perish
Where does saving faith come from?
Eph.2.8-9 by grace you have been saved, through faith, IT…
What does saving faith believe?
-Believers believe the Scriptures, because it is the authority of God himself
-Specifically, believing in and accepting the work of Christ on our behalf
Is all faith alike?
No, there are degrees -Weak and strong Rom.4.20 Abraham was strong in faith -Saving and non-saving James 2.19 Even demons believe and shudder
Define repentance
When a sinner is aware of his sinfulness, understands the mercy of God in Christ, grieves for and hate his sin, and turns from them to God, fully intending a striving for new obedience
Acts 2.38 What shall we do? Repent and be baptized
Acts 3.19 repent and turn back
In what sense is repentance necessary?
-Does not make satisfaction for sin
-But no sinner may expect pardon without it
Luke 13.3 Unless you repent, you too will perish
Acts 17.30 TH commands all people everywhere to repent
How ought we confess our sins?
-To God
Ps.51.4 against you only have I sinned
-To offended parties
Jas.5.16 confess your sins to one another
What are good works?
-Only those commanded in Scripture
-Fruit of the HS
Micah 6.8 Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God
What is the relation of good works to faith?
Works are fruits of true faith
Jas.2.17 Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead
Eph.2.10 saved for good works
Are good works necessary for salvation?
No, they are the fruit of salvation
Can our good works save us?
Titus 3.4-5 He saved us, not because of righteous things that we have done, but because of his mercy
Can unbelievers do good works?
Rom.14.23 Whatever is not from faith is sin
Define and defend the doctrine of Perseverance
Those truly converted will persevere in faith to the end, enabled by the HS
Rom.8.29-30 Golden chain of salvation
Phil.1.6 He who began a good work in you
Can a saved person later be eternally lost?
Rom.8.29-30 Golden chain of salvation
Phil.1.6 He who began a good work in you
One what does a believer’s persevering depend?
The immutability of God’s free election and promises in Christ
John 10.28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand
Can a person by sure he is saved?
1 John.5.13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know you have eternal life
Rom.8.16 The Spirit testifies with your spirit that we are God’s children
How could a person know he is saved? On what can that assurance be based?
- Active trust in God’s promises in Scripture
- Examining ourselves for presence of fruit (Gal.5.22-250