Theology Flashcards
it is often said that the sacraments are blank since they cannot e fully explained and understood
blank is a way of describing the way that jesus makes himself easily available to us through the sacraments and the liturgy
sacramental economy
blank is an efficacious sign. that means that he doesn’t simply point ot or reveal god’s love. jesus actually brings god’s love
blank refers to the life and sacrificial death of jesus who lived and died to redeem us
paschal mystery
the quality of blank relates to the fact that there is a unity of belief and organization throughout the whole church
the church is blank because the pope and bishops of the church are the successors of the first apostles and followers of Jesus Christ
the church is blank because the Holy Spirit dwells and works through the church and the people of god
the church is blank because its mission is for everyone in every part of the world
concern for others especially when the suffer from war or disaster
the unity of all the faithful
communion of saints
makes us members of the church and the people of god
feeds us with the body and blood of Jesus Christ
gives us special strength from the Holy Spirit to defend our faith
Holy Spirit, also known as the advocate, defender, and consoler
recovering ownership or setting free; a ransoming
bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to others
church members who share in christ’s priesthood through baptism and confirmation
common priesthood
3 day long liturgy that celebrates the paschal mystery of jesus
easter Tritium
the liturgical year; an arrangement of the celebration of major events in the life of christ in advent, christmas, lent, easter, and ordinary time
church year
doctrine that jesus is truly present in the eucharistic bread and wine
real presence
teaching on the mass’s scripture readings by a bishop, priest, or deacon
divine, life-giving actions that originate with god
unbroken chain of authority connecting the pope and bishops with the apostles of jesus
apostolic succession
expresses the changing of bread and wine into the reality of the risen and glorified body and blood of Jesus Christ
the tabernacle, the receptacle where the eucharist is placed in a church is modeled after a blank
the traditional words said for each sacrament are called the blank of the sacrament
the blank is a sacred image of christ, the blessed virgin, or the saints produced in sculpture or painting
sacraments, as the catechism of the Catholic Church tells us, are “perceptible blank accessible to our human nature.”
virtues acquired with human effort and god’s grace
moral values
a newly baptized member of the church
a word which means the “plunging” or “immersion” of catechumens in water
a 2 or 3 year period for baptism that asks god’s help to overcome the power of satan and evil
witnesses to faith who are killed because of their beliefs
1 of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit that are given to christians in a more powerful way at confirmation
a perfumed oil blessed by the bishop and used in some sacramental liturgies
a belief that even un-baptized people who have faith in jesus recieve forgiveness and mercy from god
baptism of desire
teacher of the faith
baptism is sometimes called the “sacrament of blank” because those who receive it begin to see jesus as the “light of the world”
Thomas merton, a great catholic spiritual writer and a convert to catholicism became a blank priest and a proponent of inter-religious dialouge
the Mystagogia, the 4th step in the early christian initiation of catechumens was a greek word that means
one of the rights of baptized catholics is the right to receive the other blank if they are prepared and qualified for them
in the easter vigil, the church includes blank readings to show how god prepared his people for jesus and saving his ministry
Old Testament
a name for the Holy Spirit, a helper who lives in us and guides us
the feast that celebrates the dramatic coming of the Holy Spirit to the first disciples of jesus
a gesture that is a main rite in the sacrament of confirmation
Laying on of hands
the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us to make decisions based on how to best do God’s will
the chair of the bishop
the name given in the eastern rite to the sacrament of confirmation
a term given to christians who have been confirmed that reminds them to defend and speak about their faith
soldiers of christ
the gift of the Holy Spirit that means faithful obedience and love
the name for a confirmation candidate
a nine-day prayer for a certain intention
confirmation is often called
sacrament of Christian maturity
the time when the kingdom of god will be established and the victory over evil will be complete
second coming
a prayer of praise to the Blessed trinity
the church’s great prayer of praise to god
eucharistic prayer
the affirmation or “yes” proclaimed by the faithful to the entire eucharistic prayer
great amen
the formal profession of faith recited by the people during mass
nicene creed
a prayer of repentance recited during the eucharistic liturgy
the entire mass or eucharist celebration
a call or request for god’s help
the words spoken by jesus at the last supper that are repeated by the priest during the eucharist
words of institution
the breaking of the blessed bread by the priest
infraction rite
the term first used by the vatican council II to describe the family’s role in faith development
domestic church
a church-approved family planning system that uses the woman’s fertile cycle to plan or postpone pregnancies
natural family planning
sex by a married person with someone other than their spouse
medical procedure that renders an otherwise fertile person incapable of biological parenthood
declaration from the church that a particular marriage was not a valid, sacramental, and binding marriage
solemn and binding promises made during the marriage ceremony by the bride and groom to be faithful to each other and the marriage covenant
marriage vows
wedding blessing given to the new bride and groom by the celebrant after they make their vows to each other
nuptial blessing
god-like faithfulness in spouses that enables them to honor their marriage vows and grow in holiness
being married to two or more people at one time
St. Paul explained that the relationship between husband and wife could be compared to the relationship between
christ and his church
“Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become on flesh,” is an important biblical message about marriage from the book of
the essential rite of the sacrament of marriage is
the consent of the spouses to marry each other
there are strong catholic teachings against sterilization and artificial birth control methods because the church
believes that god wants married couples to remain open to new life
sacramental marriage tells us that God wanted to make his love visible and recalls the mystery of
the incarnation
a “mixed marriage” is a marriage between a catholic and
a baptized non-catholic
in his preaching and teaching, Jesus talked about God’s original intent for marriage, and said that
marriage is indissoluble
the sacramental marriage was fully recognized by the church
from the days of Jesus
A “declaration of nullity” permitted but he church states that a marriage
was not a sacramental marriage by church standards
the church strongly recommends marriage preparation programs so that couples can
discuss issues that will be important in marriage