Theological Determinism Flashcards
Theological determinism
God is omniscient cause of chain can be traced back to God - the uncaused 1st cause
Predestination is the idea God already decided who is going to heaven and hell if God knows a person will form and action the future the person can’t avoid that
Free will resolution as all moral behaviour is planned and known by God
And omniscient God knows entire past, present and future of universe
Calvin: ‘ some are eternally ordained to glory and the rest are ordained to eternal torment’ - less support makes God immoral monster
Augustines doctrine of original sin starts by arguing that outcome of original sin became a major defect of the human character - tainted A + Es perfect nature - concupiscence
A Latin term that means longing and is associated with human senses e.g. a longing for earthly material things
This defect of concupiscence passed from A + E to all humanity, inherited - seminally present, humans born from sexual intercourse - inherited
Calvin: humans not free, actions part of Gods will and A + E were free but their fall part of gods plans dn destroyed human free will so unable to achieve salvation through own merits - the elect chosen by gods grace, freed of sin and earn salvation
Timeless God - eval
Aquinas, God doesn’t exist in time he exists timelessly Therefore God can see the results of our future free choices but doesn’t cause them so God has the power to intervene and control that doesn’t because he permits free human choices.
Temporal god - eval
God exist in time, so God cannot know the future. Therefore Theo det. is false. Christian process theologians see god and physical universe as two aspects of one ability what is equivalent with all physical processes of the universe
Makes God lose omniscience not worth worship
Clear answer to the question, are we truly free?
Supports fideism - works for religious ppl.
Makes God, an immoral monster
Religion is pointless
Heaven and hell are pointless if pre-det
No value in following religious rules, can’t earn salvation through faith or behaviour