THEO 231: test Flashcards
-set apart for the divine
-ritual purity
-everyday objects etc.
-no special link to god
-ritual impurity
ritual purity/impurity
ritual purity:
-something being in an appropriate state for encountering the divine
-not sinful in itself
ritual impurity
- substances that communicate a contagion which places one in a state that is inappropriate for encountering the divine.
-reproductive fluids, death/corpses/ skin diseases
moral impurity
-results of acts so unimaginable and heinous that they confer defilement on people and places.
-consequence of grave sin
-not contagious
-does not exclude one from the sanctuary
-earthly place where ancient Israelites can communicate with YHWH
-all sacrifices of slaughtered animals should be done at the tabernacle
ark of the covenant
-most sacred relic of the Israelites
-has the ten commandments and Aaron’s rod
-chest covered in gold
whole burnt offering
-tribute to god
-whole animal is to be burned in the tabernacle
-the blood of the animal is sprinkled around the alter
-forgave sins around Israel and kept it pure
Aaron (high priest)
holiness code
- Leviticus 17-26
-dramatic emphasis put on the Holiness of Israel and the promised land
-assumes the rules about purity, sacrifice and the holiness of the sanctuary articulated in Exodus25, and Leviticus takes it further
Land: whole land of Israel is holy; YHWH will remove Israel from the land if enough moral impurities accumulate.
all slaughtered animals need to be offered as sacrifice at the temple/tabernacle
Ethics: laws that have to do with the poor, disability, foreigners, economic integrity, divination, inappropriate mixtures, and treatment of daughters.
Laws about sexual relations and homosexual intercourse
centralization of the cult (sacrifice)
Deuteronomy only authorizes sacrificial worship at the central sanctuary (“the place where YHWH your God will choose to set his name”). Other worship sites are associated with Indigenous Canaanite worship and condemned.
-the story of the Israelite possession of Canaan
-The lord tells Joshua to go to the promised land
-three parts: Conquest of Canaan, distribution of land among the Israelite tribes, and Joshua’s farewell address and death
-conquest of Jericho
-showpiece of the conquest in Joshua
-all the Israelites were circumcised before proceeding to attack Jericho
-Joshua had a vision before the attack on Jericho from a figure identified as “commander of the army of the Lord”
-Israelites marched around the city for 6 days, with seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark. on the seventh day, the priests make a blast on the ram’s horns and all the people shout and then the walls fall down.
Judge/Chieftan (role)
-“then the lord raised up chieftains who delivered them from those who plundered them.”
-primarily military leaders chosen for the task of dealing with a crisis because their abilities are recognized.
-after crisis has passed, the judge will continue to rule Israel for the rest of his life
-might be called upon to act in a judicial capacity by judging cases
-second judge
-freedom fighter/rebel leader
-kills king Eglon of Moab, runs way after killing the king
-kills the king through deception, pretends he has a message from God and then kills him.
-left handed: “sinister”