Themes A Flashacrds Flashcards
Sexual love
-both men and women are created in the iamge of God
-God expects humans to procreate and make more babies
“So god created humankind in his image,in the image God created them;males and female he created them”
“God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply”
“A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and to shall become one flesh…therefore what God has joined let no man seperate”-a married couple should be joined in one flesh, and that they should be married togther and only God can seperate them
“Each and every marriage act should be open to transmission of life”-when a married couple have sexual intervourse nothing should stop them from producing nee life so contraeception
Sexual love should be…
-open to creating new life
-through sex god creates new life
“Two shall become one flesh”
Sexual love expresses and deepens the couples love for each other
Sex between a married and non married person who is not their spouse is forbidden as destroys unity of married couple
-sex and love is a gift from god
-marriage is ultimate commitment because vows are made in front of God and community
-for marriage to be valid has to be sex
Xsex before or outside marriage is not allowed
Theology of body-marital sex within marriage
-unites people togteher in self-giving and love
-brings two people into a communion of persons
-shows greater commitment, mutual love and respect
-gives posibility of creating new life
-can make use of natural family planning to reduce chances of pregnancy
-fulfillment of love between husband and wife
Theology of body-extramarital sex
-extramarital sex and use of contraeception damages significance of sex
-can stop sex being a sign of commitment and love instead become a form of exploitation for personal pleasure
-adultery breaks marriage vows and shows no commitment to spouse
-it is a sin and God’s original sin for himan beings
-can lead tonpeople thinking of each other as objects rather than with dinity and value
Theology of body quotes
“Everyone who looks at a women with lust has already commited adultery”(matthew 5:28)
“But man is a person in unity of his body and spirit. The body can never be reduced to mere matter”(john paul ll)
Theology of body contasting views
-others willing to have casual sex with different partners
-many people in british society do not place as much importance on need to be open to creation of new life;instead giew use of contraeception as a responsible way of preventing sexual tansmitted diseases
Sex before marriage for and against
Catholic views:
-waiting until marriage means no risk of STDs
-gift of virginity makes husband and wife feel sepecial,priveliged and loved
-god gave humans gift of sex in order to reproduce so sex should only happen when possibility of new life
-sex before marriage devalues and trivialises it
-“because love is great, so sacred and so unique the church teaches young people to wait until tuey are married befire they start to have sexual relationships”
Contrasting views:
-everyone has right yo have sex when their ready
-sex before marriage is fine as long as its loving,long term relationship-Jesus tuaght love is most important thing
-pre-marital sex is common-Catholic Church should accept modern life
-sex should be open to possibility of creating new life
-homosexuals should live celibate lives
-homosexuals relations are not acceptable as no possibility of creating new life
-people are loved by God regardless of orientation, should be treated with respect
Contrasting views:
-Church of england aupports the idea of same- sex civil partnerships
-same sex marriage legalised in 2014 in england and wales,reflecting views of many in british scoiety
-some united reformed churches perform same-sex marriages
Adultery-catholic church teaching and contrasting views
Catholic church teaching:
-it breaks vows made in marriage:”to have to hold from this day forward for better,for worse”
-betrays trust in marriage and cause harm,sufferjng to innocent partner
-brings distress and tension to home and causes unhappy family
-break-up of marriage
Contrasting views:
-may break promise but a person why,such as if one partner refuses to have sex. Some may not have made a life long promise.
- personal happiness is important even if causes harm to someone else-such as if person got raped or physically abused at home by partner
-couple made a seriosus mistake in gettingmarried and found more suitable partner
A valid marriage in catholic church
-promises must be made in presence of catholic priest
-couple must be getting married of there free will
-couple must not be closely related
-the actual moment of marriage is the consent
-both promised that they will remain together “for richer for poorer,in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part’
-marruage is not valid until it is consummated
-two people must dec lare that willing to accept
Nature of marriage and promises
Carholic church values marriage as:
-an exclusive union brtween 2 people
- a sacrament through which God’s love and blessing is given to a couple
-a sign of the love the Christ for the church
-providing loving relationship and atmosphere through which children can go and flourish
“To have and to hold from this day forward,for better for worse,for richer for poorer, in sickness and health,to love and to cherish, till death do us part”
-the commitment only ends when partner dies
-public devlaration assures that their love is genuine and ask community support in marriage
-same promises shows equality in marriage
-promises recognise difficulties and good times in marriage
-they promise to fulfil a loving relationship
Cohabitation Against and for
Catholic church against:
-marriage is deepest commitment you can make and most secure for children
-married couples less likely to separte because better prepared by attending marriage prepartion classes and seek counselling when relationship struggling
-making viws publicy shows commitment and makes sures the marriage endures
-couple splitting affects children which may destroy sense of family
-cohabitation endures couple get to know each other which could help them decide wether they do or don’t want to get married
-most important for children ghat larents love each other
-one partner does not take exclusive marriage seriously e.g continues to have affairs
-the couple never had intercourse or inisted to use contraeception, refusing to accep God’s gift of children
-they didn’t freely eneter into marriage e.g were forced to be married by parents
Divorce and remarruage
Catholic church against divorce:
-couples made promises “till death do us part”.since promises made before God, ghey cannot be broken
-“what God has joined together let no man put asunder”(Mark 10:9)-God made man and women to be united as one
-anyone who divorces his wife…and martied another women commits adultery” (matthew 10:11)
-can happen if orginal partner has died
-anyone who divorces or remains cannot recieve communion
-allowed if first ‘marriage’ is annulled, so not classed as remarruage
-not allowed to remarry in church if orginial spouse is still alive
Contraeception for and against
Catholic views:
If both oartners do not have sex with others before or putside martiage less chnace of contravting an STi
-the final descision about pregnancies should be left up to God
-Natural family planning can prevent families from being too large
-Genesis 1 says “be fruitful and multiply” so wrong to stop God’s gift
-not procreative
Contrasting views:
-are essential to stop the spread and preventing STIs
-responsible for contraeceptives to lrevent unwanted babies
-• It is responsible to only
have the number of
children you can care
• God created sex for
uniting couples as well
as for pro-creating