Theme Plants Flashcards
Endosymbiotic Events
- Engulfing without digestion
- Primary Endosymbiosis resulted in retention of: mitochondrion (alpha proteobacterium), plastid/chloroplast (cyanobacterium)
- Plastids within the eukaryotic cell allowed for photoautotrophs (algae) which reduces the requirement for phagocytosis for nutrient acquisition, increases need for cellular water
- Secondary Endosymbiosis occurred across various lineages of aquatic algae
Secondary Endosymbiosis
- Subsequent uptake of a red and/or green alga by other non-photosynthetic eukaryotes gave rise to several aquatic algal lineages and phytoplankton
Heterotrophic plants
- Some plants have lost the ability to photosynthesize in favour of alternative nutrient acquisition strategies: mycoheterotrophs: obtain carbon source from fungal associations with other plants, Parasitic plants/heterotrophs: obtain carbon source directly from other plants
- these are and represent <1% of all plant species, all ancestral lineages were photoautotrophs
Plant Cell Walls
- Reduced requirement of phagocytosis allows for the development of cell walls
- Primary Cell Walls provide support and protection but allow for flexibility
- Rigidity of cell with a primary cell wall is highly dependent on turgor pressure -> dictated by surrounding environment and maintained by vacuole
- Primary Cell Wall is deposited outside of the plasma membrane
- Composition of the primary cell walls is largely the same among plants
- most abundant biopolymer in world/known universe
- long, unbranched microfibrils made up of beta1-4 glucose linkages
- incredibly hard to digest in humans -> major component of dietary fibre
- cell walk is quite porous and allows for nutrients and water to pass through
Osmotic Pressure
- Plant cells acquire or lose water through osmosis
- The primary cell wall provides tensile strength and prevents the cell from bursting under hypotonic conditions and from completely collapsing under hypertonic conditions
- The rigidity comes from hydraulic turgor pressure from the vacuole
Vacuoles have higher solute concentration and the osmotic flow of water occurs:
from outside the cell (lower solute concentrations) to into the vacuoles
Turgid state
- the ideal state for plant cells, helps maintain the structure of the plant and maintains osmotic balance
- The turgidity of the vacuole pushes the plasma membrane outwards and this pushes against the cell wall
Effects of Osmotic Pressure
- Rapid and concerted movements of solutes can quickly divert water from the cell and force some cells to contract
- Pressure sensors or mechanosensors can activate ion channels that change the osmotic potential of the cell
- Actually causes an action potential similar to animal cells and can trigger coordinated events in nearby tissues or organs
Multicellularity in Eukaryotic Algae
- True multicellularity involves the specialization of cells to perform different functions
- Allows for coordinated behaviour of different tissues to aid in the fitness of the organism as a whole
- Multicellularity arose multiple times in algal lineages, completely separate from the animal/fungal ancestral lineage
- End products are similar but the processes are unique and can be used to distinguish evolutionary trends
Land Plant cell division (and the immediate green algal ancestor) progresses through the production of the:
Critical Importance to the multicellularity of Land Plants
- This arrangement of the microtubules allows for cell wall deposition between the the two separated nuclei prior to the complete division of the cytoplasm
- Deposition of the cell wall materials also involves the fusion of vesicles from the ER and Golgi to form the new plasma membranes
Portions of the ER are often trapped within the newly created cell wall, creates:
connections between the two daughter cells known as plasmodesmata
intercellular connections between plant cells, analogous to gap junctions in animals
These connections are formed cell division
Secondary plasmodesmata can develop through the degradation of the cell wall but does not occur in all cells
These connections allow for easier cell-to-cell transport of:
cytoplasmic contents, i.e nutrients, water, minerals, proteins, hormones, nucleic acids
Defining Characteristics of Plants:
All plants:
- Are sessile
- Are photoautotrophic (vast majority, >99%)
- Have primary cell walls(largely composed of cellulose and hemicellulose)
- Are multicellular
- Have Cuticles
- Have Stomata for gas exchange
- Have an alternation of generations -> Diphasic life-cycle
Why Move Out of the Water?
- No competition
- Unlimited and untapped mineral resources
- Unlimited space for establishment and growth
- Full access to light
- No predators
- Any organisms that could become accustomed to life on land had room to radiate
Freshwater algal mats would have been the first to:
- begin photosynthesizing on land, would have to withstand wet-dry cycles but were still largely aquatic.
- Likely formed symbiotic relationships with fungi, established the first soils and allowed for further diversification
First truly terrestrial plants were the first of the:
Embryophytes -> Bryophytes
Plants established habitable regions, acting as
the primary producers
Challenges with Life on Land
- Desiccation (protection from drying out and dealing with scarce water)
- Respiration (now have to exchange atmospheric gases, rather than dissolved ones)
- Reproduction (can no longer release eggs into water)
- Locomotion and support (no longer buoyant, had to develop reinforced tissues)
- Nutrients (minerals now in substrate rather than ions in water)
- Senses (have to adapt to new light, sounds, and smell)
Major Early Adaptions
- Waxy cuticles (to prevent cells from drying out)
- Stomata (Pores to control gas exchange and water loss)
- Alternation of generations increasing reliance on “hard” propagules, localized release of gametes)
The Waxy Cuticle
- Protects the plants from drying out and also from pathogen attack
- The fossil record shows the presence of cuticle in early land plants and on spores
- Wax is deposited outwards by the epidermal cell layers (upper and lower)
- Thickness varies depending on the perception of heat and light
- Wax is not easily permeable to gases
- Stomata are pores that allow exchange of gases across photosynthetic surfaces
- Opening and closing of the pore is controlled by specialized cells called Guard cells
- The guard cells themselves are still covered by the cuticle but create a pore when they swell and pull apart
- Regulation of the release of gases only when water is plentiful greatly reduces unnecessary water loss
Alternation of Generations
- Instead of one “body”, the plant life cycle progresses through two multicellular growth forms:
= Diploid (2n) Phase = Sporophyte -> makes spores (n) through meiosis - Haploid (n) Phase = Gametophyte -> makes gametes (n) through mitosis
Diploid (2n), multicellular body/form, produces spores (n) through meiosis
Haploid, unicellular but will germinate to produce Gametophyte (n) through mitosis
Haploid, multicellular body/form, produces haploid, unicellular gametes (n) through mitosis
Sperm and egg cells fuse (fertilization) to form a unicellular zygote (2n) that will quickly develop into an embryo through mitosis
Diploid (2n), multicellular and will develop into a Sporophyte through mitosis
Why Do Plants Alternate Generations?
Amplification of gametes and chances of successful fertilization events and offspring