How does Shakespeare represent the theme of apperance vs reality
- A common motif in Shakespeare’s corpus that explores dichotomies between an individuals inner realities and outward face often obscured and distorted by superficial impressions constructing an atmosphere of uncertainty and treachery.
- There are some characters that thrive in this culture of uncertainty as it legitimizes their status or purposes whereas other are exacerbated by this cultural shift.
- This theme is literally externalized by the use of disguises and substitution .
The Duke’s reveals his mission concerned with unveiling the dichotomies between appearance vs reality
“Thus we shall see/ if power change purpose what seemers be”
Angelo suggests his reputation and outward face will provide him impunity against any wrongdoings or accusations
Who will believe thee, Isabel?
My unsoil’d name, the austereness of my life,
My vouch against you, and my place i’ the state
Angelo reveals an inherent truth about the mechanisms behind a patriarchal society. Thus, appearance vs reality and how it is not as complex as open deceptions but can manifest in reality in a broader sense for instance here Shakespeare asks audiences to scrutinize what appearances or what ideologies they have ascribed to that conceals realities of oppression and injustice.
My false o’erweighs your true
Angelo’s introspection in this line reflects a deeper exploration of his own character and conscience. He grapples with the realization that he is not solely defined by his virtuous actions but also by his potential for sin and temptation.
“Blood thou art blood, Lets not write Good Angel on the Devils horn / Tis not the devils crest”
Angelo acknowledges that his internal realities are much more complex, and moral ambiguous than his outward appearance of austere rectitude.
Heaven hath my empty words; Whilst my invention, hearing not my tongue, Anchors on Isabel:
The duke attempts to antidote deception and duplicity through public acts of justice
An Angelo for Claudio, death for death!”
Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure;
Like doth quit like, and Measure still for Measure.
There are many debates in the play about what constitutes as a sin, and whether it is possible to repurpose definition of sin for instance does a sin qualify as sin if it doesn’t outwardly appear to be so
He is your husband on a pre-contract:
To bring you thus together ’tis no sin,
“Equal poise of sin and charity