An offence punishable by law
Something legally done to somebody as a result of being found guilty or breaking the law
The opposite of good; a force or the personification of a negative power that is seen in many traditions as destructive and against God
Physical or mental dependence on substances or activities
Hate Crime
Crimes that often include violence and are targeted towards people due to their race, religion etc.
An aim of punishment- to get your own back
An aim of punishment- to put people off committing crimes
An aim of punishment- to change someone’s behaviour for the better
Free will
the ability of people to make decisions for themselves without constraint
showing mercy and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong.
A secure building where offenders are kept for long periods of time
Corporal punishment
Punishment of the offender causing pain, illegal in the UK
Community service
A way of punishing offenders by making them do unpaid community work
Civil Laws
Laws that concern disputed between normal citizens or groups such as divorce/wills. They are typically dealt with in a small claims court but more serious cases are dealt with in a Crown Court.
Sanctity of life
All life is holy as it is created and loved by God; Christians believe human life should not be misused or abused.
The Death Penalty
Capital punishment; a form of punishment in which a prisoner is put to death for crimes committed.
Christian views on evil
The Bible warns people against having any evil thoughts and intentions. Actions that are evil are seen as sinful and against God. Many Christians would claim there is no such thing as an evil person because God created people to be good. In Genesis, God created humans and saw they were good. However, because of original sin, all humans have a tendency to do evil things though they are not evil themselves.
Breaking laws due to poverty
Christians believe no one should break the law as everyone should submit to the governing authority but anyone who is in this position should be helped, ‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat’-the Bible
Breaking laws due to upbringing or mental illness
Christians believe breaking the law is wrong but the offender should be helped and shown compassion in order for them to reform, ‘clothe yourself with compassion’-the Bible
Breaking laws due to addiction
Christians believe alcohol should not be drunk excessively and recreational drugs should not be taken as they abuse the body made in God’s image (imago dei). Most Christians would say that addiction is wrong.
Breaking laws due to greed
Christians are against greed. The Bible states that ‘the love of money is the root of all evil’. It also teaches that Christians should not envy others, ‘do not covet’
Breaking laws due to hate
Christians believe everyone is equal because everyone is made in the image of God, therefore they shouldn’t discriminate. ‘You are all one in Christ Jesus’ and ‘love your enemies’- the Bible
Breaking laws due to opposition
Many Christians would accept breaking an unjust law is okay to bring about change, however if the law is just then ‘let everyone be subject to the governing authorities’- Romans, the Bible
Crimes against the person
An offence that causes harm to a person, such as murder or rape.
Crimes against the property
An offence that damages or deprives someone of their property, such as arson or burglary.
Crimes against the state
An offence that endangers everyone or affects the smooth run of society, such as terrorism or selling state secrets.
Christian views about retribution
Seen as the least positive aim of punishment because there is no fixing the societal issue that caused the crime. Some Christians support retribution because the old testament teaches, ‘an eye for an eye’.
Christian views about deterrence
Public punishments are seen as humiliating and degrading so some Christians disagree with this. Most Christians support deterrence as long as they are not excessively harsh.
Christian views about reformation
This is supported by many religions. Christians believe that criminals can be reformed which is better than negative punishment, ‘do not take revenge’-the Bible
Who was Elizabeth Fry?
Elizabeth Fry was a Quaker and was a major force in the 19th century in prison reform.
Christian attitudes to suffering
Christians would say that it is wrong to blame God for the suffering caused by people’s actions because he gave humanity free will so their actions are their fault. God also gave clear guidance on how to responsibly use free will (10 Commandments). By following Jesus they will make good choices and not harm others.
Quote to show suffering is unavoidable
‘We also glory in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope’- the Bible, meaning everyone suffers and it is in these moments that suffering may strengthen a person’s character and faith.
Christian views on causing suffering
Christians are generally opposed to causing suffering to others. Like Buddhists, Christians avoid causing suffering. Jesus taught that people should love and care for victims of suffering. Jesus even went as far as to say that using violence in self defence is wrong as it causes more suffering, ‘turn to them the other cheek also’- the Bible
Christian views on what to do if you cause suffering
Humans are not perfect and it is inevitable that Christians may cause suffering to others. Therefore they believe that when you have caused suffering you should apologise and do what you can to repair the damage. You should REPENT and RECONCILE.
The main punishment is a loss of liberty. Prisoners are locked in cells for some of the day and have to do manual labour. It is reserved for more serious crimes.
Buddhist views on prison
Buddhists believe that the aim of prison should be to protect society from dangerous criminals. Prison may also provide time and space for rehabilitation.
Christian views on prison
Many Christians support the use of prisons for more serious crimes. They also believe prisoners should be treated well and involved in positive activities and education that help them reform.
Corporal punishment
Punishes offenders by inflicting physical pain. Considered to be a breach of human rights laws and therefore it is illegal in the UK and many other countries. Many Muslim countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia use corporal punishment like caning for offences including gambling and sexual promiscuity.
Christian views on corporal punishment
Christians do not support corporal punishment because it does not seek to reform the offender so it can be seen as a negative/harmful punishment. It does not show respect for the individual.
Buddhist views on corporal punishment
Corporal punishment expresses violence and encourages resentment rather than reformation. It does not solve the underlying cause of a crime.
Christian beliefs about forgiveness
God is loving- he loves everyone no matter what they have done in the past, God is forgiving, God is perfect- he does not have human weakness to stop him forgiving. Christians believe it is through God’s grace that they are forgiven. For Christians, Jesus is the ultimate role model. They believe that they should try to be like him and follow his example. Although Jesus did nothing wrong he was crucified with criminals and before he died he forgave them.
Quotations for forgiveness
‘Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing’-the Bible
‘For if you forgive men wen they sin against you, God will also forgive you’.