Theme E: Crime And Punishment Flashcards
Good and evil intentions
Christianity, anyone
Anyone who murders will be subject to judgement
Good and evil intentions
Islam, Hadith
(Not a direct quote)- good intention= 1 good deed
Good intention + deed = 10 good deeds
Bad intention, doesn’t do bad deed = 1 good deed
Bad intention + deed = 1 bad deed
Reasons for crime
Christianity, you
You shall not covert… anything that belongs to your neighbour
Reasons for crime
Islam, competing
Competing for more distracts you until you go in your grave
Reasons for crime
Christianity, let
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established
Reasons for crime
Islam, those
Those who do not judge according to what was revealed are doing grave wrong
Lawbreakers and types of crime
Christianity, I
I was in prison and you came to visit me
Lawbreakers and types of crime
Islam, God
God commands justice… and prohibits wrongdoing and injustice
Lawbreakers and types of crime
Christianity, you
You shall not murder
Lawbreakers and types of crime
Islam, do not
Do not take life which God has made sacred except by right
Lawbreakers and types of crime
Christianity, there
there is neither Jew nor Gentile… for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Lawbreakers and types of crime
Christianity, do
Do to others what you want them to do to you
Aims of punishment
Christianity, an
An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth
Aims of punishment
Islam, an
An equal wound for a wound, if anyone forgoes this out of charity it will serve as atonement for their bad deeds
Aims of punishment
Christianity, do not
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good
Aims of punishment
Islam, cut
Cut of the hands of thieves… a deterrent from God
Aims of punishment
Christianity, do
Do not take revenge… but leave room for God’s wrath… I will repay says the Lord
Christianity, suffering
Suffering produces perseverance…character…hope
Islam, you
You are sure to be tested… if you are steadfast and mindful of God that is the best course
Islam, be
Be compassionate towards the destitute
Christianity, carry
Carry each other’s burdens, in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ
Christianity, everyone
Everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ will be persecuted
Treatment of criminals
Islam, cut
Cut of the hands of thieves… a deterrent from God
Treatment of criminals
Christianity, forgive
Forgive 77 times
Christianity, father
Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
Christianity, forgive
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us -The Lord’s Prayer
Islam, let
Let them pardon and forgive… God is most forgiving and merciful
Islam, pardon
Pardon each other’s faults and [God] will grant you honour
Death penalty
Christianity, whoever
Whoever sheds human blood by humans their blood shall be shed
Death penalty
Christianity, life
Life for life
Death penalty
Christianity, I do
I do not take revenge my dear friends
Death penalty
Christianity, I take
I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn away from their ways and live
Death penalty
Islam, do not
Do not take life which God has made sacred except by right. This is what he commands you to do
Death penalty
Islam, if
If the culprit is pardoned by his aggrieved brother, this shall be adhered to fairly, and the culprit shall pay what is due in a good way
Death penalty
Christianity, every
Every human is endowed with an inalienable dignity -Pope Francis
Death penalty
Christianity, society
Society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes -Pope Francis