Theme D: Peace and Conflict Flashcards
Peace and justice
Christianity, nation
Nation will not take up sword against nation
Peace and justice
Islam, the
The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who… when aggressive people address them reply with words of peace
Forgiveness and reconciliation
Islam, forgive others
Forgive others as you would want Allah to forgive you on the day of judgement -Hadith
Forgiveness and reconciliation
Christianity, Forgive
Forgive 77 times
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Islam, do
Do not kill each other… if any does these things out of hostility and injustice, We shall make him suffer fire
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Christianity, do not
Do not repay anyone evil for evil, if it is possible… live at peace with everyone
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Islam, do not take
Do not take a life which God has made sacred
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Islam, the most
The most excellent jihad is the uttering of truth in the presence of an unjust ruler -Hadith
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Christianity, he
He has sent me to… release the oppressed
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Christianity, blessed
Blessed are the peacemakers
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Islam, Ummah
Ummah= Muslim community= one body= protest if some Muslims oppressed
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Christianity, an
An eye for an eye
Violence, violent protest and terrorism
Islam, if
If you have to respond to an attack, make your response proportionate. But if you are patient that is better -Qur’an
Reasons for war
Christianity, the love
The love of money is the root of all evil
Reasons for war
Islam, God
God does not like …people… hiding the bounty God has given them -Qur’an
Reasons for war
Islam, the richest
The richest of the rich is one who is not a prisoner of greed -Imam Ali (Shi’a verse)
Reasons for war
Christianity, do not
Do not repay evil for evil
Reasons for war
Christianity, turn
Turn the other cheek
Reasons for war
Islam, those
Those who have been attacked are permitted to take up arms for they have been wronged- God has the power to help them
Reasons for war
Islam, there
There is cause to act against those who oppress people and transgress in the land against all justice… though if a person is patient and forgives, this is one of the greatest things -Qur’an
Reasons for war
Christianity, do
Do to others what you would have them do unto you
Reasons for war
Islam, need
Need for justice so “fair retribution” allowed, forgiveness a better response rewarded by God
Nuclear weapons and weapon of mass destruction
Christianity, an
An eye for an eye -cannot justify
Nuclear weapons and weapon of mass destruction
Islam, do
Do not contribute to your destruction with your own hands -Qur’an
Nuclear weapons and weapon of mass destruction
Christianity, acceptable
They are an acceptable deterrent -Catholic Church
Nuclear weapons and weapon of mass destruction
Christianity, it is
It is feared that the continuance of nuclear tests will have fatal consequences for life on Earth-Vatican Council
Just war
Islam, know
Know that the evil of war is swift and it’s taste bitter
Holy war and religion as a cause of violence
Christianity, all
All who draw the sword die by the sword
Holy war and religion as a cause of violence
Islam, fight
Fight in God’s cause those who fight you but do not overstep the limits -Qur’an
Holy war and religion as a cause of violence
Christianity, Old Testament
Says God helped Jews win battles to settle in the promised land
Pacifism and peacemaking
Christianity, blessed
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God
Pacifism and peacemaking
Islam, fighting
Fighting has been ordained for you although it is hard for you
Pacifism and peacemaking
Islam, if
If they incline towards peace, you must also incline towards it
Pacifism and peacemaking
Islam, the ink
The ink of a scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr
Pacifism and peacemaking
Islam, inner
Inner peace through submission to God’s will and being part of the Ummah (not a quote)
Pacifism and peacemaking
Islam, there
There is no compulsion in religion
Pacifism and peacemaking
Christianity, love
Love your enemies
Pacifism and peacemaking
Hinduism, ahimsa
The principle of ahimsa means that all living things are sacred because they are part of God (not a quote)
Victims of war
Islam, whoever
Whoever saved a life, it would be as if they saved the life of all mankind
Victims of war
Islam, none
None of you truly believe until you wish for your brother what you wish for yourself
Victims of war
Christianity, parable
The sheep and the goats
Victims of war
Christianity, the good
The Good Samaritan (shows everyone everyone else’s neighbour)