Theme A (Relationships & Families) Flashcards
Christian views on “straight” relationships
- allowed to marry
- part of God’s plan
“A man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife…they become one flesh.” - Genesis 2:24
Muslim views on “straight” relationships
- expected to marry
“Marry those who are single among you for Allah will develop their moral traits” - Hadith
Christian views on homosexual relationships
“You shall not lie with a man as you would with a woman; it is an abomination.” - Leviticus
Paul taught “men who have sex with men will not inherit the Kingdom of God”
- against natural law
- cannot “be fruitful and multiply”
- Catholic Church teaches that homosexuals are not sinful but should remain chaste.
“Hate the sin, not the sinner”
Muslim views on homosexual relationships
- Homosexuality is forbidden
- they should control their actions
“Must you, lust after males and abandon the wives that Allah has created for you? You are exceeding all bounds” - Qur’an
Christian views on sexual relations before marriage
- Liberal Christians say sex before marriage can be valid, if both are intending to marry
Paul says “Whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know your body is a temple?“
Muslim views on sexual relations before marriage
- Forbidden
“The only way to protect all within society is to maintain a society where only a man and his wife share the act of sex” - Abdul Wahid
Christian views on sexual relations outside of marriage
- breaks vows made before God
“Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” - Matthew
Muslim views on sexual relations outside of marriage
“Do not go anywhere near adultery. It is an outrage and an evil path“ - Qur’an
“A man should not stay with a woman in seclusion, unless he is a relative” - Hadith
3 types of contraception
- artificial e.g. condoms, pills
- natural e.g. rhythm method
- permanent e.g. sterilisation
Contraception advantages
- Family planning (accepted by both religions)
- Preventing unwanted pregnancies
- Reducing over population
- Prevent spread of STDs
Christian attitudes towards contraception
- artificial contraception goes against the natural law
“every sexual act should have the possibility of creating new life“ - Humane Vitae (1968)
Muslim attitudes towards contraception
- not for unmarried couples
- allowed to avoid risk of wife’s health
- NO permanent/abortive forms
FOR : “God wishes to lighten your burden” - Qur’an
AGAINST : “Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. Killing them is a great sin” - Qur’an
Christian beliefs about marriage
- one of the 7 sacraments
- an agreement before God
- spiritual bond
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife…they become one flesh” - Genesis
Muslim beliefs about marriage
- a lifelong, equal partnership under God
- brings two families together
- avoids sexual sin
- can be arranged, but not forced
“There is no institution in Islam more beloved to Allah than marriage” - Hadith
Christian teachings about divorce/remarriage
- counselling is preferred
- vows must be kept
- Catholics don’t believe in civil divorce and remarriage whilst partner is still alive is unacceptable
“Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her” (vice versa) - Mark
Muslim teachings about divorce/remarriage
- divorce is “hateful to Allah” - Hadith
- Qur’an encourages reconciliation
- must be verbally declared by husband
- 3 month waiting period (Iddah) to see if wife is pregnant
- ^ if so, divorce is postponed till birth
- allowed to remarry
Role of parents
- raise children in Christianity
- teach them morals
- raise children in the Islam
- teach them how to pray, read Qur’an in Arabic and halal food laws
Nature of families
- children should learn to love one another
“Honour your father and mother” - Exodus
- extended family is part of God’s plan
- family shapes children’s characters
- care for elderly parents with respect
Polygamy and same-sex parents
- Christians are against polygamy
- polygamy is allowed with first wife’s consent
- husband must be able to equally support/love other wives
- 4 wives maximum
- against same-sex parents
- not a good example for children
Purpose of families
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” - Ephesians
“He who is good to his parents, blessings upon him” - Hadith
Christian beliefs about children in families
“Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old“ - Proverbs
“Fathers, do not embitter your children, for they will be discouraged.” - Colossians
Muslim believes about children in families
“Say Lord have mercy on them because they cared for me when I was little”
“Honour your children and their perfect manners” - Hadith
Christian beliefs about gender equality
- all people are created equal in the God’s image (Genesis 1:27)
- Jesus welcomed women as his disciples
- Literal Christians believe husbands should “rule over” their wives (Genesis 3:16)
Muslim beliefs about gender equality
- Allah created all from a single soul
- Muhammad united tribes in Madinah
- men and woman have the same religious responsibilities
- wives can keep last names and properties (according to Shari’ah Law)