theme a Flashcards
terms of sexual relations
- ‘ two become one flesh’
- ‘ be fruitful and multiply’
- ‘ til death do us part’
terms for valid marriage
free consent
open to having children
no force
witnessed by catholic priest
terms for annulment
if marriage isnt valid
views of divorce
breaks unitive and marital nature of sex and vows
jesus taught remarriage after divorce is adultery
could have consequences for children in relat
non catholic views of sexual relationships/ marriage/ divorce
accepted in non religious society
all agree consent is vital
CofE sometimes accept remarriage, recognise mistakes are made
natural family planning
accepted by church
encourages communication and long term relats
important to plan families in order to be able to provide for them
artificial contraception
breaks procreative nature of sex
not accepted by church
could result in focus on pleasure of sex - other people reduced to objects for pleasure
other perspectives on contraception/ family planning
protestant churches accept artificial contraception
widely accepted in society
not all people want children/ can provide them/ can afford care etc
catholic views on sex before marriage/ cohabitation
breaks marital side of sex
usually comes with use of artificial contraception- breaks procreative side of sex
sex outside marriage seen as a sin
cohabitation may not last - no legal duty
- could have impact on children if broke down
other perspectives on sex before marriage/ cohabitation
widely accepted in society- seen as test to see if relat will work long term
some people live together and save before marriage
some people dont want to immediately make long term commitments
child of god- still worthy of respect no matter what sexuality
sexually active homosexual relats break procreative nature of sex- not accepted in church
other perspectives of homosexuality
some protestant churches accept gay marriage
- ‘ love your neighbour as yourself’
legal in england (non religious)
family as domestic church
place to fulfil all aspects of sec
form a community and help personal development
be part of life and mission of church
take part in development of wider society
procreation and security
best environment to raise children
children are signs of parents love for each other
mutually supportive environment for children to develop
requires commitment, patience and sacrifice
roles in the family
parents take care of children
parents are role models for children
- teach kindness, love and respect
create an environment where everyone is valued
parents are first and most important teachers of children
ephesians quotes
‘children, obey parents’
‘be subject to one another out of reverence for christ’
‘wives, be subject to your husbands…. husbands love your wives as christ loved the church’
gender equality- dignity
both made in gods image
need each other to shoe god’s image for humanity
-unique gifts that complement each other
jesus treated women with respect
important women in the bible
ruth showed the jews faithfulness
esther saved the jews from the persians
mary, mother of jesus, seen as perfect disciple, showed obedience
gender discrimination
doesn’t take belief seriously that everyone is made in gods image
men and women have supporting roles, designed to care for one another
discrimination is harmful and devalues a person
other perspectives of gender equality
equality seen as ‘sameness’- no separate roles
non religious people work towards gender equality
laws in place to prevent discrimination
some people think catholic view is form of discrimination
positive discrimination can be used
genesis 1:27
in the image of god he created them, male and female he created them
catechism equality teaching
for they are equal as persons… and complementary as masculine and feminine