The Triune God Flashcards
music in worship
unites people in praise
make worship more joyous or solemn
inspires people to praise god
increases beauty of worship
helps people feel more involved in worship
centre around praise
talk about joy of praise
cover wide range of human experiences and emotions
recognise everything comes from god
usually unaccompanied to a limited range of notes
ideal to use in the mass as its ‘specially suited to the roman liturgy’
traditional hymns
religious songs that praise god
help people feel involved in worship
have stood the test of time
contemporary worship songs
accompanies by modern instruments eg guitar
often more upbeat
help people feel more involved
some think its more accessible and appealing than tradt hymns
others think its disrespectful and distracts from worship
mass setting
parts of the mass that are sung rather than said
help people feel more involved in worship
help mass appeal to whole congregation
hymn to praise gods glory and goodness
not used during sorrowful seasons eg lent
‘glory to god in the highest heaven’
means ‘praise god’
hymn of joy, triumph and praise
announces presence of christ
sung 3 x during easter vigil
not sung during lent
meaning ‘holy’
praise gods holiness
not used during sorrowful seasons, advent/ lent
mystery of faith
acknowledgement that the whole saving event of christ’s life, death and resurrection has been made present through consecration
used when bread and wine become body and blood
deuteronomy 6:4
‘hear, o israel: the lord is our god the lord alone’
stresses belief that there is only one god
triune god in jesus’ baptism
holy spirit is love uniting father and sond
represented by dove
father is ‘voice from heaven’
the father calls jesus his son
galations 4:6
’ god has sent the spirits of his son in to our hearts crying , abba father!’
explains relat between trinity and a christian
nicene creed- god the father
creator of all things
‘father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible’
nc- god the son
eternal - ‘before all ages’
no distinction in nature between father and son - ‘consubstantial with the father’
look on limitations of human to become jesus
rose into heaven to take place as son of god
nc- god the holy spirit
gives life to all things - ‘ the giver of life’
unites father and son in love- ‘who proceeds from the father and the son’
equal in majesty and power - ‘is adored and glorified’
inspires people to let them know the will of god
trinity in creation
‘wind from god’ is holy spirit
‘god’ refers to father as he is creator
god created with his word- jesus is the son or word of god§
influence of belief in trinity
holy spirit is love of father and son
enters peoples lives as grace
inspires them to show love to others
sending out people to help others
share love of god through their actions
they should love others as god loves them
mission quote
‘those who love god must love their brothers and sisters also’
preaching the good news
share knowledge and experience to influence lives of others
inspired by holy spirit
want to help others experience joy , peace and love
meaning of trin at jesus’ baptism
trinity involved in salvation brought about by jesus’ life, death and resurrection
st augustine
love cant exist on its own
there’s the lover, one who is loved, and love than unites
trinity is three persons united in love
holy spirit shares god’s love with all people
catherine lacugna
son is eternally coming from the father
hs eternally unites in love
love constantly flows outwards to whole of creation
son comes from father to save humanity
hs continually guides believers to father
all things will be brought back to god
council of nicaea
confirmed: son is eternally begotten from the father
father and son have always co-existed
both equal and of the same nature
council of constantinople
confirmed: hs is third person in trinity and is fully god
jesus is both fully god and fully human
symbolism of baptism
start of a new stage of life- begins life as christian
joining in with jesus’ death and resurrection
person commits their life to god in the same way jesus did
importance of baptism
person becomes member of church
cleansing of sins
fills person with holy spirit
gives strength to resist evil
what is prayer
conversation with god
opens up to/ communicates with god
inspired by hs
jesus’ offering is highest form of prayer
traditional prayer
not having to find words allows people to open up and focus on worship
familiar words can be more comforting
allows mind to go deeper than the words
spontaneous prayer
more sincere/ personal
develop individual relationship
comes from the heart
reflects feelings at that time