theme 5c Flashcards
what are the 7 characteristics shared by all life forms?
all life... ① displays order ② harnesses and utilizes energy ③ reproduces ④ responds to stimuli ⑤ exhibits homeostasis ⑥ grows and develops ⑦ evolves
approximately when did the earth form?
4.6 billion years ago
what are the 3 major hypotheses on how the macromolecules essential for life were produced?
① reducing atmosphere
② deep-sea vents
③ extraterrestrial origins
what is the reducing atmosphere hypothesis on the abiotic origin of macromolecules essential for life?
since the atmosphere was reducing, there was no ozone layer, and therefore no protection from UV rays from the sun. the UV rays were able to reach the lower atmosphere and, along with lightening, provided the energy needed for formation of biologically important molecules
what is the deep-sea vent hypothesis on the abiotic origin of macromolecules essential for life?
the molecules could have originated on the ocean floor at hydrothermal vents, as they released superheated nutrient-rich water and reduced molecules
what is the extraterrestrial origin hypothesis on the abiotic origin of macromolecules essential for life?
they came from space
what does protobiont refer to?
a group of abiotically produced organic molecules surrounded by a membrane or membrane-like structure
approximately when was the Archean era?
lasted from 4 billion to 2.5 billion years ago
what happened in the Archean era?
➝ first origin of life
➝ evolution of prokaryotes (anaerobic and photosynthetic bacteria)
➝ oxygen starts to accumulate
➝ origin of aerobic respiration
approximately when was the Proterozoic era?
lasted from 2.5 billion to 540 million years ago
what happened in the Proterozoic era?
➝ high concentration of oxygen in atmosphere (Great Oxygenation Event)
➝ origin of eukaryotic cells
➝ evolution and diversification (protists, fungi, soft-bodied animals)
what is endosymbiosis?
symbiosis between separate single-celled organisms; origin of eukaryotic organelles
approximately when was the Paleozoic era?
lasted from 540 million to 250 million years ago
what were 4 major events of the Paleozoic era?
➝ Cambrian explosion
➝ invasion of land
➝ appearance of gymnosperms
➝ major groups of tetrapods
approximately when did the Cambrian explosion occur?
530 million years ago
what happened during the Cambrian explosion?
rapid appearance of many groups of organisms
➝ features of many modern groups appear: heads, mouths, eyes, legs
➝ all major animal groups first appear
what is a mass extinction?
event where the rate of extinction is much greater than that of speciation. more than 75% of known species go extinct in a geologically short interval. are periodic
how do mass extinctions relate to evolution?
they are significant because they clear niches and make ecological opportunities available and leave “dead clades walking”–low diversity remnants of once diverse lineages