theme 3 Flashcards
simple definition of evolution
the notion that species change over time
what was Aristotle’s idea about organisms?
Scala Naturae (Scale of Nature). classified each organism according to their complexity, which determines how close they are to perfection (god)
what is the biblical account of creation?
organisms had been specially created by god, species could never change or become extinct, and new species could never arise
what is natural theology?
detailed study of nature (considered god’s creation) in order to provide arguments for the existence of god
what did Linnaeus do?
introduced the binomial species classification, which was based on grouping similar looking organisms into general categories.
what did Linnaeus think was responsible for the similarity between certain species?
nothing. he just thought it was god’s design
what did Georges Cuvier do?
found that many species had gone extinct, thought floods led to the number of species declining
what did Charles Lyell do?
wrote “Principles of Geology” which said that landforms were not fixed, but changed slowly over time as a result of geological process. showed that Earth was much older than was assumed at the time
how did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck contribute to Darwin’s idea of evolution?
he challenged the commonly held idea that organisms never change (proposed the idea of “transmutation”, what is now called evolution). the way he thought this happened was wrong but it inspired Darwin to think about inheritence
how did Jean-Baptiste Lamarck think species changed?
organisms inherited acquired traits from their parents, and lose traits that are not used
what is the perfecting principle?
the idea that organisms change (evolve into more complex ones) in order to ascend the Scale of Nature and become closer to perfection.
who came up with the perfecting principle?
what did Thomas Malthus do?
wrote “Principle of Populations” which said human population can increase faster than food supply, which leads to competition and survival of the fittest
describe what a graph of quantity vs. time of population and food would look like according to Malthus’s idea
food increases linearly, and is at first greater than population.
population is exponential, and so crosses over and surpasses the quantity of food eventually
what 3 major areas of study did Darwin get insights from?
1) geology and the fossil record
2) geographic distribution of species
3) comparative morphology of species
what is biogeography?
the study of worldwide distribution of plants and animals
what is a vestigial structure?
a useless structure in an organism that had a function in the organism’s ancestors
what is homology?
the similarity present in a group of organisms because of shared ancestry
what did Alfred Russel Wallace do?
he independently came to the same idea as Darwin about natural selection, but Darwin published his book first, which is why Wallace is not as well known, and Wallace had collected less evidence for it than Darwin.
how does natural selection work?
inherited variation in traits is acted upon by natural selection caused by competition, which results in the more fit traits being passed down to offspring at a greater rate than the less fit. this causes the more fit (favourable) traits to be preserved and the less fit (unfavourable) to be destroyed)
what is artificial selection?
selective breeding where only individuals with desired characteristics are bred together
what is a population?
a group of individuals of a species that live together in a specific place
what are Darwin’s 4 postulates?
1) individuals within a species vary
2) some variation is passed to offspring (heritable)
3) more offspring are produced than can survive and/or reproduce
4) survival and reproduction is not random, but is related to phenotypic variation
the presence of what 3 things makes evolution inevitable?
1) variation in a trait
2) the variation is heritable
3) some variants reproduce more than other (have higher fitness)
what is fitness?
reproductive success
what are 3 aspects of fitness?
1) fitness is relative. the absolute number of offspring does not matter–what matters is how that number compares to that of others
2) a trait is only selected for if it increases fitness. if something like a longer lifespan does not result in more offspring being produced, then it will not be selected for
3) traits that increase fitness (are selected for) may change if something in the environment changes
what does “genomes propose environments dispose” mean?
random mutations in the genome of an organism occur, “proposing” new things, and these things are disposed of by the environment through selection if they make the organism less able to compete in that environment
what was the missing piece Darwin did not know allowed evolution to occur?
heritability works through DNA