Theme 4.5.4 Flashcards
What macro-economic policies can the government use to achieve goals?
-Fiscal policy
-Monetary policy
-Supply side policy
-Exchange rate policy
-Direct controls
What are direct controls?
A government measure that is imposed on the price of the quantity of a single product or factor of production.
Examples include: minimum or maximum prices/wages, quotas on imports, limits on currency or regulation e.g. maximum interest rates.
What policies can the government use to reduce fiscal deficits and national debts?
-Policy of austerity (increasing taxes and reducing spending)
-Stimulate demand via high gov spending
-Rely on automatic stabilisers
-Default on loans
How can austerity be used to reduce fiscal deficit and national debts?
-To decrease the national debt, the UK government has been using a policy of austerity since 2010, where they attempt to decrease spending. It would also be possible to increase taxes.
-Both of these are unpopular, could limit growth, and reduce living standards and income equality.
-Free market economists say that spending can be reduced by cutting out waste, but it is highly unlikely that these efficiency savings will make a significant difference.
How could demand stimulus by high spending reduce fiscal deficits and national debt?
This will cause economic growth and therefore bring about higher tax revenues. This will allow for budget surpluses and eventually a reduction of national debt.
How can reliance on automatic stabilisers reduce fiscal deficit and national debt?
Another approach is to simply rely on automatic stabilisers to allow the economy to grow so national debt/fiscal deficit will reduce as a percentage of GDP. This is mainly the approach that the US took after the Global Financial Crisis and their economy recovered fairly quickly. By 2015, the fiscal deficit as a percentage of GDP was similar in the US and UK.
How can defaulting on loans reduce fiscal deficit and national debts?
One way to reduce national debt would be for the government to default on their loans but the economic cost of this is so large that governments only default if it is the only option. Russia and Argentina have defaulted on their debts in the past.
What government policies can be used to reduce poverty and inequality?
-Income redistribution
-Progressive tax systems
-Government provision of some goods and services
-Minimum wages
-Trade Union-friendly legislation
-Enforcing the payment of benefits to workers from employers
-Improve education and training
-Price controls
Why is income redistribution important in an economy?
-The law of diminishing marginal utility suggests that redistribution increases total utility and therefore is a better allocation of resources. The higher the spending of an individual, the less satisfaction they gained from spending an extra pound. The high growth rates of Nordic countries, like Denmark, where redistribution is high suggests that it is not negative for economic growth.
-However, too much redistribution could disincentivise and cause the poverty trap.
How can income redistribution be used to reduce poverty and inequality?
Free market forces are unlikely to create an equal society, leading to absolute or relative poverty and inequality. Most agree that some redistribution from rich to poor is necessary, but the degree to which it is done is contentious. Those on the right argue that high incomes and profits are essential to provide an incentive, whilst those on the left argue that those on low incomes need to be supported.
How can a progressive tax system reduce poverty and inequality?
-Firstly, the government can use a progressive tax system which will produce a more equal distribution of income after tax. Inheritance taxes mean that wealth inequality will be reduced as less money can be passed on to the next generation.
-The USA has a progressive tax system but the welfare system is not effective at redistributing income. In countries such as Finland and Scandinavia, the tax system is less progressive but the government collects a lot of tax revenue which they are effective at redistributing.
How can benefits and transfer payments reduce poverty and inequality?
-Social security and National Insurance benefits now represent 30% of government spending in the UK.
-Universal benefits are available to everyone who meet certain criteria, respective of personal income e.g. winter fuel allowance, child benefits.
-Means tested benefits are only available to people who have sufficiently low levels of income/wealth. They are targeted at people who need the most help and provide a safety net/minimum standard of living and are better at improving inequality since they directly affect the poor.
How can the government provide goods and services to reduce inequality and poverty?
The government can also provide goods and services which give citizens equal opportunities and access to services they may not otherwise be able to afford, such as healthcare, education and housing. This helps to ensure that everyone is given an equal start in life, for example poor children do not lose out because their parents are unable to afford education. The problem with these is that they also benefit those on higher incomes and incur a high opportunity cost. In the UK, the government provides free healthcare, but this is not the case in many countries.
How can the government attempt to reduce wage differentials to reduce poverty and inequality?
-A national minimum wage will improve the incomes of the poor whilst maximum wages or pay ratios will reduce the incomes of the rich and could even mean companies increase the pay of their lowest income workers. However, minimum wages may cause unemployment and maximum wages may lead to a loss of the most skilled workers.
-Equal pay legislation will prevent inequality between men and women or between different ethnic groups.
-Trade union friendly legislation will allow the wages of their workers to rise,
and those in unions are more likely to be the low paid so this will positively
affect equality .
-Employers could be forced to provide benefits to their workers, such as sickness benefits, pensions and medical care, which will effectively increase wages.
How can the government improve access to education and training opportunities to reduce inequality and poverty?
-Improvements in access to education and training opportunities will prevent children from poorer backgrounds achieving less than others, which would reduce their earning potential.
-The government has attempted to address this by offering additional funding through the pupil premium scheme and easier access to universities, for example lower grades for those in certain areas,
How can the government use price controls in order to reduce inequality and poverty?
-They could introduce price controls on essential goods, such as housing, bus fares, bread, electricity etc. This will increase the spending power of the poor.
-However, this could cause excess supply and may lead to the development of black markets.