Theme 3 Prevention Of Violence And Crime In My Community Flashcards
What does Bronfenbrenner ecological model propose
It proposes that events in higher order social ecosystems should influence human development through impact on events in lower order social ecosystems.
What effect does violence have on Children
Viewing violence stimulates violence.
Children’s aggressive and violent behaviour is sensitive to effect of violence in social environment where children observing violence contribute to development of habitual aggression.
Discuss Bronfenbrenner ecological model
Social ecology composed of several layers.
Centre is the individual or self system influenced by personal dispositional and genetic factors.
First layer is the microsystem where developing child enteracts with different microsystems like family school and peers groups.
The second layer is the exosystem that takes place in more than one setting that doesn’t involve developing person as an active participant but where events occur that affect or are affected by what happens in the settings containing developed person.
The highest layer is the macrosystem which includes factors present in larger culture like belief and ideologies.
What does Archer and Gartner’s legitimisation habituation hypothesis state
It asserts that the sanctioning of killing interculturally during war periods normalises and legitimises killing and associated acts of violent Crime intra culturally.
What are the goals of prevention of community violence
Avoid or reduce development of risk factors of violence and crime like ideological historical and material factors.
To allow community resilience and community strengths
What is community wellbeing
Refers to the comprehensive welfare of the community which can vary across community culture and society it generally focuses on the quality of life of a community pertaining to physical psychological political economic social environmental cultural and governance issues that
Determine that a community needs are met
Ensuring community safety and prosperity
Achieving goals that have been identified as priority issues by affected community.
It signifies constantly changing state driven by achieving particular goals which is to experience happiness and good quality of life at a community level.
State 3 forms of wellbeing
Social well-being: includes living in peace and harmony with other people in one’s community.
Security: which refers to having civil peace physical safety living in secure environment enjoying personal physical security even in old age living in an environment that observes the law
Freedom of choice: ability to act on the basis of the choices made in every area of one’s life.
What are the goals of community psychologist regarding community wellbeing
Improving the human condition
Promoting psychological wellness.
What indicators are used to determine the wellbeing of a community
Health safe and inclusive communities
Includes personal health and wellbeing, community connectedness like community membership support volunteerism service delivery and access.
Dynamic resilient community
Level of education skilled occupation business growth employment distribution of income
Sustainable built and natural environment
Appearance and access to public areas housing transport access sustainable energy quality of air and water
Culturally rich and vibrant community
Arts culture sports and recreation
Democratic and engaged community
Citizen engagement ability to vote and have a say in decision making.
What is social transformation and social justice
Social transformation refers to initiating efforts in a community to reorganize human relationships by challenging those relationships or structures that are regarded as opppressive as well as changing any system that bring injustice in the community
Social justice refers to the fair and equal distribution of resources rights and treatment among marginalized individuals and groups in order to ensure equal share of power in society.
Discuss primary prevention of violence
The focus is to reduce potential harmful incidents before they happen which means decreasing the number of people who are affected by a violent act preventing new cases which relies on using resources owned by individuals and lessens situation that cause violence and crime.
Give 3 types of primary prevention
Primary prevention 1: refers to making prevention intervention programmes available to community where members are shielded from violence and crime even before they occur.
Primary prevention 2: is directed at those who are regarded to be mildly at risk of being affected by violence and crime.
Primary prevention 3: for those community groups that are deemed to be high at risk of being affected by violence and crime.
Discuss the secondary prevention of violence
Focuses on implementing measures that target those mostly affected by prevalence of injury or loss but at an early stage to prevent further injury. Based on identifying early signs of being affected and the objective is to prevent more dangerous conditions from happening.
Discuss the tertiary prevention of violence
This is initiated when violence and crime has already caused severe injury or loss in a community. It takes place at a later stage when harm has progressed to debilitating states.
It focuses on the reduction of injury or loss within community which is to limit harm caused by violence and crime and preventing future occurrence of violence and crime to ward off long term harm.
State the 4 models for the prevention of violence
Mental health and public health model
Social action model
Social ecological model
State some key components regarding violence
Nature of relationship between victim and perpetrator
Form of Discipline that examines violence
Paradigm into which violence is inserted as a phenomenon.
Essential nature of the violence
Distinguish 3 types of violence
1.Inter personal violence encompasses behaviour occuring between individuals but aren’t planned by a social group.
These include family and intimate violence
Violence among acquaintances
Stranger violence.
- Self directed violence involves direct intentional and harmful behaviours directed at oneself such as suicide.
- Organised violence is violent behaviour planned to achieve a specific objective of a social or political group. It includes political violence as a form of intimidation.
Provide a definition of violence
It is an extreme willful act carried out against a person violating the person because it doesn’t show respect for his/her intrinsic value.
This Def highlights the intentionality behind violence
Extreme force that violates victims integrity
Value that’s ascribed to the victim.
Provide a psychological based definition of violence
It involves the use of force action motive or thought in a way that a person or group is injured controlled or destroyed in a Physical psychological or spiritual sense.
Discuss the individualistic approach to violence
It views violence as an intrapsychic basis. Violence was viewed as the manifestation of unconscious wishes drives and fantasies from poor defense mechanism within personality and an inability to repress unconscious impulses.
Violence was viewed as specific error within the psychological makeup of individual who were unable to control aggressive impulses due to heightened levels of frustration.
What is Sheriffs realistic conflict theory
It is an attempt to account for inter group conflict as results of competition between groups for scarce resources.
When groups perceive to be deprived in relation to other groups they tend to experience higher levels of resentment and discontent which can lead to violence at an inter group level.
What is the deindividuation theory
Within context of collective violence individual psyches become less resistant to group norms and within context individuals tend to lose individualised controls and subject themselves to norm of the group.
State the social identity theory
Argues that all individuals simultaneously occupy positions within range of individual and group identities that depends on social context of Interaction which either become less or more salient.
Factors including group identification
Experience of relative deprivation
Conformity to group norms
What are the steps to prevent violence in the community with regards to Bronfenbrenner ecological framework model
Step1: identification of violence and crime preventative factors in the microsystem.
+involve the identification of the way
that each of the immediate environments or contexts in which an individual interacts
with others is structured.
Step 2: Identification of violence and crime preventative factors at the meso level
+focus on the impact that two or more
contexts in which the individual usually interacts with others has on the individual. The
processes that take place in those contexts would also play a major role on how the
prevention is embarked on. A common example here is the interaction between the
family and the school context
Step 3: Identification of violence and crime preventative factors at the exo level
+criminal behaviour can be shaped by both the contexts that an individual forms a
part of and those that he/she does not form a part. Therefore, it is vital to assess both
the individual’s microsystems (those that have a direct influence on the individual) and
other external contexts (which have an indirect influence on the individual) to determine
chances of the development of violent or criminal behaviour.
Step 4: Identification of violence and crime preventative factors at the macro leve
+The development of the behaviour is particularly shaped by the culture
that is followed within each of those contexts. The culture includes aspects such as the
belief systems, lifestyles, and the provision of particular opportunities, and resources.
These affect the conditions under which the individual lives and the processes that he/
she becomes a part of.
What does the sociological approach to violence suggest
That violence is not only exerted by an individual but by social structures created and or perpetuated by custom or law.
This is based on suggestion that violence is a form of social defiance through which individuals react to restrictive social control.
Structural violence is shown when resources and powers are unequally shared and are property of restricted number who use them for the domination of less favoured.
What is the criminological perspective on violence
It is regarded as the intentional and violent violation of law that is committed without defense or justification and sanctioned by the state as criminal with consequences of enforcement and punishment.
What is the health perspective on violence
Violence is viewed as intentional use of physical force threatened or actual against oneself or another that either results in or has likelihood of resulting in injury death psychological harm maladjustment or deprivation.
How does the public health approach view violence
Recognise the psychosocial neurological physiological and cognitive components of violence which views violent behaviour as a consequence of interaction between environmental socialisation and behavioural factors evident at the level of population.