Theme 3: dissidents Flashcards
Who were dissidents?
- Intellectuals.
- Political Dissidents.
- Nationalists (eg ukraninans, poles etc)
Who was Sakharov? What happened to him?
- scientist.
- won Nobel lit prize for book my country and the world 1975.
- forced into exile at Gorky 1980
Who was Solzhenitsyn? What happened to him?
- Nationalist and member of Orthodox Church.
- 1970 Nobel lit prize for the Gulag Archipielago.
- forced into exile to USA in 1973.
Who was Bukovsky? What happened to him?
- initiated rallies.
- in prison write 20 page manual of psychiatry for dissidents which was published abroad.
- won Thomas S.Szasz award for outstanding contributions to causes of civil liberties.
Surveillance and Harassment of dissidents:
- to suspected dissidents.
- threatened with expulsion form organisations, denied publishing rights etc.
How many political prisoners were there by 1970’s?
- 10k
Criminal code of 1960:
- abolished night interrogations.
- limited power of KGB.
Psychiatric hospitals/ Repressive psychiatry:
- discretee dissidents in eyes of soviet ppl.
- run by NKVD.
- patients held until cured.
- electrically shocked and druggrd.
Internal exile:
- some academics sent to remote places= smaller impact.
Prevention and Surpression:
- NKVD changed from repression to prevention= official warning etc.
How did the 1948 UN Declaration on Human Rights and the Helsinki Agreement of 1975 affect the USSR’s treatment of dissidents?
- made russia sign to respect human rights.
- agreement as publicity to embarrass gov and create pressure for change.
How was Anfropov successful in keeping dissidents at bay?
- kept dissidents in small groups and very divided.